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January 1st, 1983

3rd POV
James and Diana Gordon welcome their beautiful daughter, Alexis, into the world. The Gordon's were hunters, but retired when they found out that Diana was pregnant. Now they plan to live normal lives with their daughter.


June 1st, 1983

3rd POV
Tonight is marks Alexis's six months on earth. Her mother, Diana, tucks her into her crib and kissed her lovingly on the head. James works the late shift at work and didn't come home until midnight.

When James comes home he can't find his wife anywhere, then he enters his daughter's nursery as she was crying. When he enters, however, he's alarmed to see that the reason his daughter is crying is because a demon with yellow eyes has her mother pinned to the ceiling with her stomach cut open.

September 13th, 1987

3rd POV
James managed to get Alexis out of there unharmed, but sadly couldn't save Diana.

James used his old hunter tricks to throw off the demon, and hide both him and his daughter. They found a temporary save haven in a small town called Forks. Key word temporary.

The demon found them and completed the ritual on Alexis before killing her father. With the close knit community like Forks the demon assumed that someone would come save Alexis so he just left the toddler in her room with her dead father. Despite the fear of the roaring fire around her Alexis refused to leave her dead father's side until her pain filled burnt body was dragged away by firefighters.

She was rushed to the hospital where the doctors did everything to save her, but Alexis was desperate to get away from the agony and go back to her father's side. So she did something extraordinary. She astral projected out of her body.

Alexis originally planned to find her father, but she only to found the heart wrenching sight of a stillborn newborn baby with doctors trying to resuscitate her while her mother wailed for them to save her baby

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Alexis originally planned to find her father, but she only to found the heart wrenching sight of a stillborn newborn baby with doctors trying to resuscitate her while her mother wailed for them to save her baby. A man, who she assumed was the father, was holding another newborn baby and slowly slid to the floor with a heart broken face.

 A man, who she assumed was the father, was holding another newborn baby and slowly slid to the floor with a heart broken face

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Alexis only meant to offer comfort to the baby, but accidentally got sucked into her body.

Alexis's POV
"We got a pulse! She's alive! She's alive!" A doctor called out as I coughed and slowly opened my eyes to see the bright lights of the hospital room.

"Please, let me hold her. Let me hold my baby" a feminine voice called out. I'm carefully picked up and handed to the woman from before. She holds me close and the man from earlier gets off the floor appears next to her and smiled tearfully at me with, what I assume is my twin sister, and hands her to my  new mother.

"Welcome to the world Isabella Marie and Elizabeth Anne Swan..." she said to us.

~~~timeskip~~~December 28th, 1990

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

December 28th, 1990

3rd POV
Renee was happily cleaning up some of the Christmas decorations when Charlie came home.

"Hey honey, the girls are asleep— what's wrong?" Renee looks at Charlie's enraged and hurt face before lowering her gaze to a stack of papers clutched tightly in his hands "Charlie? What's that?" "Paternity papers....Elizabeth's not mine, is she?" Renee looked startled, and panicked "What? What are you talking about? Of course she's yours!"

Charlie held up the papers and started reading what they said aloud "Elizabeth Swan only shares only 7% dna with Charlie Swan meaning that she isn't his child, but the child of a half broth or cousin" Charlie throws the stack on the table "You slept with Waylon - my cousin!- and had Elizabeth! Didn't you?!" Renee scrambles for an explanation "C-Charlie! Please!" "No! Out! I want you out of my house now! We're getting a divorce!"

The whole town teamed up to run Renee and her children out of town. Renee fled to California where she signed the divorce papers and tried to start over.

December 25, 2004

3rd POV
Renee, her daughters, and Phil Dwyer, Renee's new husband, we're all sitting down opening presents when the phone rang.

Renee gets up to answer the phone after hearing it ring "Hello, Renee Dwyer, speaking?" "Renee? It's Charlie" Renee freezes and hesitantly asks in a whisper "Charlie? What do you want? Why are you calling me?"

Charlie sighs and says "I want to apologize....for what happened all those years ago" Renee tearfully scoffs catching the attention of the rest of her family as she says "Well it's too late for that Charlie!" "Maybe for us, but not for Isabella and Elizabeth" Charlie says making Renee frown in confusion and ask "What are you talking about?" "I want the girls to come back to Forks and stay with me until they graduate" Charlie answers.

Rene scowls and says "No chance in hell! Not after what you did!" "Mom?!" "Renee?!" Her family calls out surprise by both her cursing and her anger as usually Renee is all bubbly and happy go lucky, so this was all new to them "Renee— please! Just give me a chance! I want to make things right with the girls!" Renee calms slightly and more so when her youngest places a hand on her shoulder and silently asks for the phone.

Renee hands it over the phone reluctantly and Elizabeth speaks to Charlie "Hello?" Silence "Dad?" Bella upon hearing the word 'dad' leaps up and storms over "Move!" She snaps and yanks the phone out of Elizabeth's hands and pushes Elizabeth to the floor "Bella?!" Both Renee and Phil rushed over to help Elizabeth up.

"Dad?!" Bella asks, once again it's silence before she says "Yes! Of course!" Silence again "Elizabeth too...?" Bella looks back at Elizabeth and scowls at her younger sister that she's hated for years "She's too busy with school to move to Forks" Bella says snottily "Wait what?!" Elizabeth asks before yanking the phone out of Bella's hands "Hey—!" Bella whines and Elizabeth ignores her and puts her hand on her head pushing her away as she speaks into the phone "Dad? Do you really want us to Forks?" Silence before Elizabeth smiles and says.

"Yeah, dad, I want to come home."

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