Chapter 26: The case

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3rd POV
A middle-aged man in a suit and overcoat walks towards an impressive university building. Outside, a young attractive woman in a white dress is posed seductively, fixing her shoe "Excuse me. Are you lost?" He asks making the girl look up.

"No. I've been waiting for you, professor" she answers sweetly "Oh, are you in one of my classes?" He asks and the girl replies "Don't you recognize me?" Making the professor stammer "We-ell, they're big classes. Anyway, my office hours are Tuesday and Thursday mornings" the girl then innocently says "Really? I was hoping I could see you now" the professor develops a contemplative look on his face and eyes her breasts before saying "Um, well, since you asked so nicely. Come on."

He leads the girl into the building and up to his office. The girl immediately plucks up one of his books and looks at the back photo of the professor "Such a handsome photo" "Oh, that old thing. So, what can I do for you? How's the paper coming?" He says attempting to start a conversation making the girl nervous "Um, professor, I, uh, I have a confession to make" "Oh? What's that?" He asks "I'm not really one of your students" she says.

"Really? Then why are you here?" He asks making her look at him suggestively, before hesitating and turning around "Maybe I should just go...." She murmurs "Wait. I get it. I understand how you're feeling, and it's only natural. You are young and wide-eyed, and I'm somewhat of a celebrity around here" he says egotistically. He approaches to her, caresses her cheek in a lascivious and patronizing manner bed saying "Don't get me wrong, you're a very beautiful girl, but it would be wrong of me to take advantage of you. I just, um, I just respect you too much."

He kisses her, but doesn't notice her face turn hideously grey and rotted. He pulls back his face morphs into one of horror "Oh my god" he says in shock. The girl then patronizingly asks "What? Don't you like me anymore?" He backs away knocking things over. She approaches him and tauntingly says "Don't you want me?"

Outside a janitor locks the front door and saunters away somewhat jauntily. A body falls behind him with a heavy crunch. He turns back to see the Professor dead on the steps.

Elizabeth's POV
We arrived at Macalester college and immediately set everything into motion.

I'm with Sam is sitting at a table with a stocky jock boy called Curtis and an attractive girl named Jen. Sam sets a voice recorder down on the table and Curtis speaks first while I jot down notes "Yeah, we both had the professor for Ethics and Morality" "Yeah? So why do you think he did it?" Sam asks and Jen answers "Who knows? I mean, he was tenured, wife and kids. His book is like a really big deal. Then again..." she leans in conspiratorially "Who's to say it was suicide?" Making me look up.

"Jen, come on" Curtis scoffs. Sam and I immediately feign surprise and I ask "Well, what else could it be? Murder?" "Well, you know about Crawford Hall?" Jen asks and Sam answers for the both of us "No, we don't, actually" and Curtis blows it off slightly annoying me "It's a bunch of crap, it's a total urban legend" Jen ignores him and continues "Yeah well, Heather's mom went to school here, and she knew the girl?"

"Wait, what girl?" Sam asks and Jen answers "Thirty years ago, this girl was having an affair with some professor. He broke it off, she jumped out the window and killed herself" "You know her name?" I ask and Jen says "No. But they say she jumped from room six-six-nine. Get it? You turn the nine upside down?" Sam nods while Curtis snickers before eyeing me up and down for the 1000th time tonight.

"So now she haunts the building. And anyone who sees her? They don't live to tell the tale" Jen finishes ominously "Well if no one lives to tell the tale, then how does the tale get told?" Curtis jeers making Jen snap "Curtis! Shut up!" Sam glances at me only to now finally see Curtis's lecherous gaze and say "You know what, uh - Thanks a lot guys. Excuse us!" He grabs me and drags me away.

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