Chapter 25: Thanksgiving break with a hunting trip?

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Elizabeth's POV
When the Cullens left we promised to keep in touch via email, but it wasn't the same as talking to them, or hearing their voices.

Bella had tried to act depressed to gain the sympathy card from everyone, but was ignored in favor of concern for me which pissed her off to no end. Maybe if she didn't have alarms saved on her phone to fake nightmares, and get caught she might've gained some compassion.

Charlie was concerned the most because I reverted back to my old self. Cold, quiet, and introverted. Gone was the happy and bubbly childish extrovert. Something that deeply upset him as when I was out of my shell I was more open and honest about my feelings instead of putting everyone else's above me and my needs.

Sam and Dean had more contact now that the Cullens are gone. I think they're worried too....especially Dean. He's called me four times a week. I'm actually on the phone with him right now.

Dean: "So we've got another job over on another college campus."

Me: "I bet your excited."

I was currently laying on my stomach doing homework in my pajamas while talking on the phone with Dean.

I was currently laying on my stomach doing homework in my pajamas while talking on the phone with Dean

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Dean: "Oh yeah! What about you? Thanksgiving break is coming up, any plans?"

Me: (shrugging) "Keeping Bella out of the kitchen while I cook a feast for three. Other than that I'm home reading or watching tv."

Dean: "Seriously? Even with the extension you don't have any plans?"

Due to the upcoming freeze and threat of black ice the school closed for an additional two days after Thanksgiving break. After my accident was proven to be black ice in the school parking lot, the school decided that it should take extra precautions to not get sued- I mean protect the students.

Me: "How did you react when Sam left you for college?"

Dean paused silent for a moment before answering.

Dean: "I became dad's perfect little soldier."

Me: (nodding) "Cold and distant. You have to protect what little pieces of your heart that you have left. Sometimes that mean shutting people out."

Dean: "And who have you all shut out?"

I grow quiet.

Me: "I'm only talking to you and Sam and answering the Cullens emails....."

Dean grows quiet. I can tell that he's upset and disappointed, but then his mood shifts and becomes thoughtful then an idea pops up making me nervous.

Me: "Dean?"

Dean: "I gotta go! Bye!"

He hung up and I stared at the phone in confusion "Bye...?" I said to it before Bella stormed in and threw herself on her bed. I glanced at her and asked in a nonchalant tone "Dad finally let you back in?" Every day since the Cullens left Bella had to leave the house for two hours and does activities outside of school. She would just sit in her car since she had no friends because her crazy ass drove them away.

But if you ask her it's all my fault and I stole them from her.

She scowled at me and stood up and stormed over "Shut up skank! It's all your fault! Why can't you just stop ruining my life?!" She then slammed the divider shut.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Charlie installed a room divider to help ease the tension between Bella and I? It doesn't work well, but we do have a bit more space from each other.

I sighed before putting my homework and popping in a melatonin and curling up in a ball. My dreams were filled with dark shadows and white noise.


It's Wednesday before thanksgiving and I'm returning from the grocery store with food in hand for thanksgiving dinner

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It's Wednesday before thanksgiving and I'm returning from the grocery store with food in hand for thanksgiving dinner.

I got a turkey for six plus people, potatoes, ingredients to make gravy, green beans casserole, and stuff to make apple and pecan pie. Sue Clearwater was bringing pumpkin pie, stuffing, and sweet potato casserole while Uncle Billy was bringing homemade rolls and cranberry sauce.

But when I entered I walked in on Sam and Dean sitting in my living room with dad chatting over beer. When the boys saw me their faces lit up and I won't lie and say that my face didn't light up either, startling Charlie when he noticed.

"Sammy! Dean!" I cheer quickly setting the groceries on the floor and bolting over to give them a hug. I embraced them not realizing how much I missed them until they were back.

They hugged me back and smiled "Hey, Elizabeth" "Long time no see, shortie" I giggled before pulling away "What are you guys doing here?" Sam smiled and grabbed the grocery bags before entering the kitchen while Dean answered "Well, we decided to surprise you and celebrate thanksgiving with you. We also talked to Charlie and he agreed to allow us to take you to that college you applied for" I blinked because I hadn't applied for any colleges yet, then the realization dawned on me.

They were taking me on a hunt.

I couldn't contain my excitement even if I tried "Really?!" Dean chuckled and nodded while Charlie smiled as if my happiness effected his own. I started bouncing on the balls of my feet feeling that childish Elizabeth peeking through "When do we leave? How long will we be gone?"

Dean answered and got cut off by Charlie "Well, we leave after dinner, and we'll be back by-" "You can stay away as long as you need to" Dean and I looked at Charlie surprised and Charlie continued "It's a big opportunity and you can apply and interview for more colleges on the way. The school won't mind since they say that you could've graduated after two weeks of being here."

I flushed as Charlie just exposed how smart I was 'Goddamn it, does this mean that I have to act my age?' Dean looked at me questioningly "Is that right?" Sam entered having heard the conversation and said "You must be really proud of them, Charlie" Charlie smiled and said "I am. Which is why I'm not letting you waste this opportunity."

I huffed and said "Well you're tying my hands here, but fine. Let me get everything situated then I'll pack" I then left.

Sure enough after thanksgiving meal Sam, Dean, and I left for Minnesota.

~~~timeskip~~~Sure enough after thanksgiving meal Sam, Dean, and I left for Minnesota

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