Chapter 08: Hospital visits

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Elizabeth's POV
I was laying on a hospital bed when suddenly the double doors burst open as Charlie runs in, face white with terror. He spots Bella and I resting on gurneys, the E.R. Doctor looking into Bella's eyes with a pen light. On the next gurney over, Tyler, the van's driver, lies with a mild head wound. Charlie rushes up to us.

"Bella, Elizabeth are you girls alright?" He asks worriedly "I'm fine, Charlie. Calm down" Bella says "We're okay, just a little shaken" I answer at the same time as Bella making her scowl at me. Tyler suddenly speaks up and guiltily says "I'm so sorry, girls. I tried to stop" "It's okay, Tyler" Bella says, pleased with all the attention "It sure as hell is not okay!" Charlie argues, I quickly try to soothe him "Dad, it's not his fault-" Charlie sternly cuts me off "We nearly lost you again and we nearly lost your sister" "But you didn't" Bella says and I roll my eyes at her before saying "It was an accident. If you want to blame anyone, blame the school for not taking care of the black ice in the parking lot."

Charlie perks up "Black ice?" I nodded and said while sitting up despite Nurse Jackie's protests "The entire parking lot was covered in puddles of black ice. Tyler was trying to be careful but he slipped. The whole thing was an accident" He'd hug me, if that was who he was. Instead, he glares at Tyler "You can kiss your license goodbye!" I shake my head and pull him in for the hug he wanted. He stiffened before hugging her back.

"I heard the Chief's daughter was here" a masculine voice calls out we look up as Dr. Carlisle Cullen approaches, blond and movie star handsome. Making my face flush at his kind face, and pale, tired golden eyes 'Forgive me father but I feel like sinning tonight with this DILF!'

Charlie pulls away from the hug and says "Good. Dr. Cullen" I deflate slightly as I realize that he's already married "I've got this one, Jackie" he says to the nurse who hands Dr. Cullen the chart, and leaves. Dr. Cullen reviews our charts, then feels the back of my head and says "You have a nice knot growing back there, but your x-rays show no indication of concussion" once again Tyler guiltily chimes in "I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. I'm really-" Charlie abruptly pulls the curtain between us.

Bella stupidly speaks up in attempt to draw attention back to her "It would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way" I glare at her and Charlie asks "Edward? Your boy?" Dr. Cullen quickly looks back at the chart. Bella notices and sensing that he knows something. She presses.

"It was amazing he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me" she says and I speak up "What are you talking about? He was walking towards us before it even happened" Bella looks at me like I've grown two heads "What?" I nod and said "I saw him walking over before the van came towards us. Maybe he wanted to apologize for his behavior last week? Or maybe he saw us arguing and wanted to help? I'm not sure you'd have to ask him...." Dr. Cullen smiled at me and says "Well as long as you two are safe I guess that it doesn't matter" I nodded and said "The next time you see Edward, will you tell him thank you for us?" He nods still smiling "Will do."

Charlie, Bella and I exit the treatment area "I just have to sign some paperwork. You better call your mom...." Charlie suddenly says "You told her?! She's probably freaking" I say as I dig around the plastic hospital bag for my phone. He shrugs and hurries off. Bella glared at me before following him. She has no intention of calling mom tonight.

I walk around the hallway as I dig around for my phone, but I freeze upon seeing Rosalie, who is clearly furious at Edward, who stands his ground while Dr. Cullen plays intermediary "This isn't just about you, it's about all of us -!" Dr. Cullen sees me and stops Rosalie "Let's take this in my office" they look up to see me as well. Rosalie glares at Edward as she goes off with Dr. Cullen. Edward adopts a nonchalant air as I approach him.

"You were reckless today..." he groans and says "Not you too" I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to him "Isabella saw you and I had to cover for your ass. She's already interested in you and you just gave her a reason to keep being interested" he glared at me, knowing I'm right "Can't you just thank me and get over it?" He snaps, I stare up at him before standing up on my top toes and kissing his cheek startling him and whispering against his cold skin "Thank you" I pull away then turn around only to see Bella glaring at me down the hallway.

"Screw it...." I mumble, she's already mad at me, might as well give her a reason to be. I turn back around and pull on Edward's shirt and crash my lips against his. He's startled but returns my kiss and cups my cheek.

I hear Bella let out a shriek before she storms off and I pull away

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I hear Bella let out a shriek before she storms off and I pull away. Edward stares at me in amusement "A jealousy game? Really?" I chuckled before giving him a chaste peck on the lips "Don't enjoy messing with her too" he snickers and nods before holding up my phone "Were you looking for this?" He smirks and I shake my head before gently taking it "Thank you....for everything."

I then head outside and get into Charlie's cruiser where he's waiting for Bella and I. A little while later an annoyed Rosalie and Edward storms out with a frustrated Bella following. She scowls and storms over to the cruiser and forces me to trade seats. I do so, to pacify her.

That was the first night I dreamed of Sam Winchester.....and it wasn't the last.

I'm swimming, white skin aglow, hair floating weightlessly, sensually... suddenly, something blasts past me. I spin around to see Sam with another male they're arguing, at a cheap hotel dining table.

I call out "Sam...?" both men snap up to see me "It's you..." Sam says surprised as he stands from sitting in a chair the other man stands up as well and grabs a sawed off shotgun and aims it at me. Sam sees the other man's actions and says "Dean! Don't-!" But Dean ignores him and shoots. The bullet hits me in my diaphragm and I release a pain filled wail that sends both men to their knees as they cover their ears.

~~~end dream~~~

 I bolt up awake

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I bolt up awake. In that split second, in the darkness, I see Edward, watching me. I snap on the light and the room is empty 'Was I dreaming?' I sit up and groan before hobbling over to the bathroom. I lift up my shirt to see a large bruise on my diaphragm area.

 I lift up my shirt to see a large bruise on my diaphragm area

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I start to cry as I rinse blood from my mouth. 'Dreams aren't supposed to hurt you...'

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