Chapter 06: Edward disappears and Bella snaps

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Elizabeth's POV(Day 1)The next day Bella is sitting atop a table, an open book in her lap

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Elizabeth's POV
(Day 1)
The next day Bella is sitting atop a table, an open book in her lap. But her eyes are on the arriving kids, and the parking lot as they pull in. She's waiting for Edward.

Jessica, Angela, Mike, Eric, and I kick around a soccerball nearby. They wave Bella to join them but she ignores them and continues watching for Edward. Her thoughts tells me that she's ready to change his mind about her and make him like her.

He doesn't.

Later Bella strides into the biology lab with confidence that Edward would show, but stops, surprised to find her lab table empty. Bella's frustrated and glares at me. I ignore her and take a seat.

(Day 2)
Bella sits with Jessica, Angela, and I as we watch a funny and cute YouTube video on Angela's phone. Bella gives us an annoyed look, before returning her focus to the Cullen table. Once again there's only four of them. Edward's seat is empty......again. Once again Bella glared at me and I ignore her.

(Day 3)
I washes my hands, then looks up at the mirror, to find Rosalie and Alice behind me. They study me, Rosalie with chillingly cold eyes, Alice with curiosity. Their gaze and thoughts, unnerves me so I push pass them and hurry out.

Only to be stopped by Alice who grasps my upper arm and says "Your like us....aren't you?" I stare at her and read her thoughts. Upon seeing her pure intentions I ease up and sigh. I look back and forth between her and Rosalie before softly saying "I'm human.....but I am one else knows" Rosalie's gaze softens as she stares at me "Elizabeth...." She starts but is interrupted when Bella enters the ladies room.

Bella scowled at me and I pull away from Alice upon hearing her jealous thoughts and bolt out.

(Day 4)
I exit the school with Angela, Mike, Jessica and Eric, becoming a part of this circle. I glance at Rosalie's car, a red M3 BMW, as it drives past, noting, again, four Cullens, no Edward. Bella stands away from our  friends, unable to forget about him......she then glares at me but I freeze upon hearing her thoughts.

'This fucking bitch ruins everything! She has to go!'

I don't like the sound of that....

(Day 5)
I was walking down the hallway as I head to the library to check out a book, when I'm suddenly slammed against the lockers.

My assailant wails on me and I try to get away to shove them off but I can't, so I read back and punch them. That gets them off me and I look up to see Bella lying on the ground "Isabella?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" She doesn't say anything as she gets up and lunges at me again. I read her mind as I dodge her and continue on my way to the library.

She continues trying to attack me but I dodge her each time.

"You always ruin everything! You ruined our parents marriage! You ruined my life in Phoenix! And now you're ruining my life in Forks! Why couldn't you just take a hint and died at birth?! Then Renee, Charlie, and I would've been a happy family and I would be with Edward! God! Just slit your wrists already! Everyone would be so much happier with you dead!" She rants as she tries to attack me.

I'm broken out of my concentration when Mrs. Kay, the librarian, gasps and says "Isabella Swan!" As she's horrified from the words leaving Bella's mouth and is directed at me, her twin. That break in concentration is all it takes for Bella to get the upper hand as she tackles me to the ground.

Bella starts wailing down on me as I try to simultaneously shield myself and shove her off. I can hear Mrs. Kay in the background screaming for security. Without thinking I shove my knee into Bella's stomach with a wave of psychic energy infused in it and throw her off of me.

Bella lays gasping on the floor winded as she clutched her stomach. I scrambled backwards and bump into the security guards legs. I look up at him and then I pass out.

I wake up hours later to see a furious Charlie taking the librarian's statement while Bella lays on another cot and argues that it was all my fault. Charlie sees that I'm awake so he walks over and gently asks "Elizabeth....what happened?" I sigh and sit up and say "I was born and messed everything up" Charlie frowns at me sadly before going over to Bella and proceeded to ground her.

I stand up and leave school. As I walk to my shared truck I noticed that Waylon's truck is sitting by the school gates with an anxious Waylon sitting it. Upon seeing me staring at him he starts up his truck and speeds out of there like a bat out of hell. I frown as I read his thoughts.

'This isn't fair! Why is Renee doing this?! I have every right to see her if I want to!'

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