Chapter 09: Field trip

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Elizabeth's POVOne week later I'm sitting in the bed of my shared truck which is in the exact spot of the accident lost in thought with Bella standing by the driver's side door staring at the dent in the side of the truck left by Tyler's van

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Elizabeth's POV
One week later I'm sitting in the bed of my shared truck which is in the exact spot of the accident lost in thought with Bella standing by the driver's side door staring at the dent in the side of the truck left by Tyler's van.

Behind me, on the lawn, several classes are congregating and, gathering for a field trip with Mr. Molina in charge "Make sure I get your permission slips!" He calls out to us. Then Bella catches sight of Edward, who just arrived with Alice and Jasper. She watches him, hoping to catch his attention but he only stares at me with a look of concern. I look up and stare back giving him a smile. We barely notice as Mike trots up to us.

"Look! You're moving. You're ALIVE!" He says all Dr. Frankenstein like I chuckled and tore my gaze away from Edward and Bella does the same "Yeah, false alarm" I joke lightly "Actually, I'm glad you're not dead cause - well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you something Elizabeth - even though it's, like, a month away.." I distractedly glance at Edward who's head is down, and is in quiet conference with Jasper and Alice. Abruptly, he looks up, as if listening to me and Mike, which he probably is. Bella quickly refocuses on Mike's and mine's conversation.

"So what do you think? You want to go? To prom. With me" Mike asks me, Bella's jaw drops and I look at him slightly surprised "Uhh, Mike I don't think that's a good idea...." He blinks "What? Why not?" I couldn't help but giggle as I said "Seriously dude? You have noticed?" He shakes his head slightly dumbly and gives me a puppy-dog look. I full on laugh now making poor Mike blush "Dude! You're so adorable!" I laugh before calming down "First off I'm bi and I have a massive crush on Angela" his eyes widened and his jaw drops "Seriously?!" I nod and laugh "Yes! I thought that I was obvious?"

He rapidly shakes his head "No way...I never would've guessed..." I giggled "There's another reason why I can't go with you" He blinks and says "Oh?" I nodded and beckoned him closer. He hesitatingly leans in and I softly whispered "Jessica has a massive crush on you" he blinks and gapes at me "Seriously?!" I nodded "Yes! Gosh, she's more obvious than I am. The flirting, the arm touches, the five daily complements on your appearance, her always asking to hang out with you alone..." I list.

Mike facepalms at his obliviousness "God! I'm such an idiot! It was so obvious!" I giggled and nodded in agreement "You should ask her...maybe I can be your wingman?" He smiles and hugs me "Thanks. Elizabeth" he then walks away to talk to Jessica who had been staring at us. Bella glared at me and her thoughts disgust me. I climb out the back of the truck and head towards the buses.

Mr. Molina and a Tour Guide lead several dozen kids through the greenhouse. Bella keeps an eye on Edward who's up ahead with Alice and Jasper. Mr. Molina demonstrates the compost machine as the students mess around " ...c'mon, Eric, stuff that compost down deep... that's it.." the machine gurgles and spins "... now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of compost tea. This is recycling at its most basic level -hey! Don't drink that!" He suddenly yells at Tyler.

When Edward sees me pause by an ancient stag-horn fern, alone, he walks up to me. My lips quirk up at his presence and I greet him "Hello, Edward" He glances at me, before looking at the stag-horn with me "Elizabeth..." I tilt my head "Hm..?" I wait but after 5 minutes with no response. I turn and start to walk away "You're Bisexual?" I turn back to him and nodded "Why are you asking?" He shrugs. I give him a really look before turning around to leave again only for Bella to storm by me and knock into me making me stumble but she falls over an irrigation hose. Edward quickly leans over and steadies me, catching my scent and relaxing.

'She even smells like her...' I look at him in confusion before whispering "Thanks, Teddy" he looks at me startled before and I stare back equally surprised as I had no idea where it came from....but it felt right to call him that "No problem....Birdie" I stare at him startled but smiled, but I didn't mind the nickname. I liked that he gave me a nickname.

Bella scowls at us and says "Um, hello! I'm the one that actually fell!" Edward glared at her and I watch as Edward's eyes turn itch black like the day we first met him "It helps if you actually watch where you put your feet!" Bella scoffs insulted, she gets herself up and keeps moving.

Edward holds me close and says softly "I don't like the way she treats you..." I shrugged and we walked around with Edward's arm wrapped protectively around me.

Jessica suddenly rushes up to us "Guess who just asked me to prom!" She asks excitedly I smile and pretend to think "Mike

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Jessica suddenly rushes up to us "Guess who just asked me to prom!" She asks excitedly I smile and pretend to think "Mike...?" She nods rapidly "I totally thought Mike was going to ask you, Elizabeth. Is it gonna be weird?" I shake my head and say "No way. Zero weirdness. You guys are great together" "I know, right?!" Giddy, Jessica rushes to catch up with Angela. Edward and I head out the door that leads to where everyone's looking at the compost worm box where everyone is grossing each other out with the slimy creatures.

I cringe and bury my face into Edward's arm and he chuckles then Bella catches up with us after she's done sulking over her latest flop "What do you see in her?" She demands "You should have let the van crush this fag and saved yourself all this regret!" A few kids look at us and they all stare at Bella in disgust. Edward snaps angrily "You think I regret saving Elizabeth?!" Bella scoffs and smugly says "I know you do" Edward is furious now "You don't know anything Isabella!" His harshness stings her.

Suddenly, Alice appears at my side and links her other arm with mine as she eyes Bella with displeasure "The bus is leaving" she then turns to me and her face softens "Hey, Elizabeth, will you be riding with us?" Edward cuts me off and answers for me "Yes she will" then proceeds to drag me onto the bus with Alice following behind us.

Bella and I enter our house after I wave goodbye to Edward who was kind enough to drive me home. Bella angrily throws down her book bag and coat, and storms upstairs .

I sigh and follow along in desperate need for a hot bath with some of my lavender bath salts. Just as I start upstairs Charlie enters from the kitchen and says "Your mother called......again" I shake my chuckled tiredly "Your own fault, for telling her about the accident" he sighs and nods "She always did know how to worry" he then continues with a hint of pertinence "But... she's changed, too. She seems.....genuinely happy. Phil, he sounds all right"
I nod in agreement "He is. Mom's really deserve to be happy to dad" I walk down the steps and look at him.

"And you can start by asking Miss Cora out" I say giving him a playful and serious look. He looks floored and flustered and stammers but I cut him off "You like her and she likes you! Just ask her out already!" I sigh then continue upstairs, glancing at my parents' wedding photo that Charlie refused to let me pack up.

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