Chapter 16: Sam and Dean

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 Elizabeth's POV I sit nervously in Edward's Volvo

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Elizabeth's POV
I sit nervously in Edward's Volvo. I had allowed Alice to dress me today, but it was more girly then I was used to and with my short hair I was feeling a little insecure.

Edward gently takes my hand and says "You look beautiful. Don't worry..." I look at him and smiled before frowning when I saw his left brow twitch "What's on your mind, Teddy?" I asked him. He hesitates before asking "How did you know....that you had feelings for the same sex?" I blink and say "This has been on your mind for awhile....." he hesitatingly nods and I sigh before saying "I noticed.. how I would gaze at women the same way I did men and how I felt when Ginny "GiGi" Greene held my hand and when she took my first kiss...." I then shrugged and said "I just thought about my feelings and I followed my you feel attracted to men?"

Edward hesitates, but nods.

I squealed and reached over the console to hug him "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I've always wanted a gay brother! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I cheered, startling Edward but making him laugh. I pulled away and asked "Is that how you knew that Isabella wasn't your mate?" He scrunched up his face in discuss and said "There is a long list of reasons why she isn't my mate but that is one of the reasons" I nodded before looking out the window and sighed "Let's go" we then get out with Edward opening the door for me.

3rd POV
Jessica pops a volleyball in the air, doing practice serves. Angela takes a picture of her, then points her camera around, looking for another shot. Eric studies some fliers advertising the prom "Monte Carlo? That's our prom theme?" Jessica asked and Eric said "Gambling, tuxedos and -" he pauses and mimics Sean Connery "-Bond. James -- ow!" He yelps as Jessica head-butts the ball which hits him in the face "Oh. My. God!" Angela says as she stops from scanning for a shot, has frozen. Jessica and Eric look up to see Elizabeth and Edward arriving together. All eyes on campus are turning to them, filled with curiosity, jealousy, and awe.

"Everyone's staring" I mumbled while blushing and Edward tries to argue "Not that guy over -- yeah, he just looked" he smiles reassuringly and says "You can't really blame them though. You look beautiful" I blushed harder "Let's just get to class" I mumbled before dragging a laughing Edward inside.

I hurried toward the entrance of the diner after Edward drops my off. I can't seem keep the joy on my face in check.

Outside the door, I pass by Mike, who's hanging out with several of his basketball teammates "Yo, California! So you and Cullen?" I turn to look at him and said "Uhm, what?" Mike then says, upset "You told me that you liked Angela" I frowned and said "I do. Edward is just a friend, he's actually my best friend" Mike friend and says "You can't be friends with him" My eye brows furrowed and I asked "Why not?" "Because he's a guy" he says. I respond now pissed off "First off we're friends Mike at least I thought we were. Second you're with Jessica so why do you care? And third, my friendship works because he isn't interested in getting in my pants unlike some of my other friends" I snap before hurrying inside to Charlie's table and slide in.

"Sorry I'm late. I got caught up with Edward" I explained as Cora sets a top sirloin steak in front of Charlie, a plate of salad in front of Bella, and a plate of seafood in front of me "I ordered you the seafood combo" I beam and said "Thanks, I was seriously craving crab all day" Bella scoffs and says "Order a salad for yourself next time, Elizabeth, you should cut back on all that buttery, salty, and sweet crap" I rolled my eyes and said "I'm as healthy as a horse, Isabella. Maybe you should try something other than leaves and maybe you won't look like a toothpick with a rat's head on top."

Bella let out a shriek, but before she could say anything to retort Cora walked back over with a concerned look on her face "Say Chief, boys want to know, you find anything down by Queets River today?" Charlie's aware of the loggers at the counter listening, too. He frames his answer carefully to keep everyone calm "The suspect's moving east. Kitsap County Sheriff is taking over from here. They're putting extra guys on" Cora nods solemnly "Hope they catch him fast."

She moves off, with a measure of relief. Charlie and pass each other the salt, butter for bread, etc., with an easy rhythm while Bella munches on her bland leaves.

Charlie speaks up and says to me "Your friends are flagging you" I turn to see Mike and the guys horsing around outside, straws in their noses, making faces at me. I roll my eyes and turn back to my seafood "It's okay you wanna join them. I'm just gonna turn in early anyway" Charlie says while Bella glares in jealousy as she's still grounded from cutting my hair. I shake my head and say "Yeah, me, too."

"It's a Friday night. Go out. The Newton boy's got a big smile for you. Nice family, the Newtons" Charlie encourages me and I reply "He's just a friend, or was. He's dating Jessica" Charlie suddenly asks "None of the boys in town interest you?" "We're not really going to talk about boys, are we?" I asked with a raised brow and Charlie says "Just... you should be around people. I leave you alone too much, especially with Bella" he eyes my hair guiltily.

"I've never minded being alone. Guess it's the Swan in me" I say Charlie smiles unsurely and Cora returns "Berry cobbler, two forks!" She sets it between us and we both reach for the forks. We each take a bite ignoring Bella as she storms out pissed and jealous about god knows what now.

"Oh and if you want to talk about my love life, be sure to ask about girls as well" I comment making Charlie stare at me in shock and drop his fork. I busted out laughing at that "Girls?" He asks and I nod "Girls" he nods and repeats "Girls, okay cool, girls are cool" I snicker at his dazed expression.

Before catching sight of two familiar men staring at me.

I clear my throat and saying "I actually need to call Alice for some prom advice since Isabella destroyed my dress" Charlie looks up and nods and says "Okay

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I clear my throat and saying "I actually need to call Alice for some prom advice since Isabella destroyed my dress" Charlie looks up and nods and says "Okay..." I exited the diner and sure enough five minutes later Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum follow me.

I look at them and say "I didn't think you'd actually come Sam.... Dean" I glare at Dean slightly pissed about the whole shooting me thing. Before Sam can say anything Dean whips out a flask and splashes a mysterious clear cold liquid in my face. I let out a gasp as Sam snaps "Dean!" "Sorry. Had to check" Dean says and puts his flask away. Sam immediately starts wiping my face with a paper napkin that he took from the diner "I'm so sorry..err" "Elizabeth Swan" I introduced and Dean asks "Like the pirate?" I nod and say "Yeah."

Sam then asks "What are you exactly, Elizabeth?" I frown "Rude. But justified" I then hold out my hand and say "Long story. Give me your phones" Sam does as told and Dean reluctantly follows. I put my phone number in each of their phones and I copy their numbers into mine "I'll text you and then we'll meet up" I turn around and walk back into the diner.

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