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"How are your mom and dad? Heard they started therapy"

After one year of working for him, Haruchiyo wanted to meet your parents.
You told him it was a really bad idea but what he told you shocked you. Also because you didn't know him very well at that time.


"I don't think it would be a bad idea, instead it's a great one! I'm finally able to talk to someone like me!"


That's what he said four years ago.
And to your luck, your parents loved Haruchiyo.
They always thought he was weird, but in a nice way, and that relieved you somehow.
Your parents never liked your multiple bosses, but Sanzu appeared to be an exception.

Now four years passed by, and you finally had enough money to pay both their therapies, to buy them a new house and one for you as well.
Sanzu offered to pay for both of them after witnessing their mental state, but you politely declined his offer.

You were responsible for them, after all, and you would feel completely useless if you let Sanzu pay for everything. Little did you know, he doubled your salary so you could start the treatment sooner and after many years trying, you finally succeeded.

You took them to the best therapist you could find, and of course it cost a lot.

"Yes... dad was happy about it... mom was a bit reluctant..." you forced a smile "I really hope they're gonna feel better soon"

"Are you mostly worried about your mother, aren't you?"

You nodded silently "I feel like it's not gonna work..." You swallowed the lump in your throat "Only God knows how much I hated her during my teenage years but then after I really understood what she was going through... I couldn't forgive myself..." you sighed out and tried to go back to work on your laptop.

"Damn girl take a break" he was sitting next to you so he gently closed the laptop, causing you to look at him "You don't have to blame yourself for hating your mother... I mean, it's not something positive, but you're not the one to blame..." He patted your head.

"Parents are supposed to raise up their kids, not the opposite..." he sighed, eyeing your facial expressions "And they're also supposed to always be with them and never leave them alone"


"No buts, I'm always right so listen to me" he spoke, displaying a cocky attitude.

"Always right? Always wrong you would say"

"Uh? Little fucker how dare you" Sanzu glared at you.

You just chuckled, getting back some of your positive vibes you lost talking about your parents' mental problems.

"Anyways, don't worry. Therapy helps most of the people. I'm sure they will get better"

"Do you have some relatives or friends who seeked therapy?" You innocently asked.

He just looked at you and forced a smile, then he stood up and walked out the office.

"Did I say something wrong...?" You stayed there, sitting on your chair and staring at the door in total confusion.

You let a sigh and got back to work.

"Yeah?" You lifted your head up when you heard a knock on the door.

"Can I come in? I need to get something"

"No, wait for Sanzu to come back"

"Oi bi-" "Sorry for my brother's attitude Y/n, my dear, may I come in?"

"Oh sure Ran" you smiled, hearing the older Haitani's voice.

You couldn't stand Rindou... But Ran...
He was definitely something else.
A fine ass gentleman, full of class, style and expensive as hell. He always treated you well, meanwhile Rindou would always be grumpy as fuck and treat you like trash.

"Excuse me bro??? She's the one who attacked me!" Rindou complained while they both entered the office, Ran smiling at you.

"Yeah, but you always treat her bad, so shut up for once"

"Damn Rindou are you really 30 years old? You seem 2 to me" you spat annoyed while filling some documents.

"Please someone keep me from beating the shit out of her" Rindou fake prayed and took a deep breath to calm down.

"Anyways what are you looking for?" You glanced at them, who were looking for something among Sanzu's stuff.

"Not your bus-" "Sanzu's katana" Ran cut his brother off again "He's torturing a hostage right now, and he needs it so he asked us to get it for him"

"Oh his katana is here" you stood up and lightly bent down to grab the item from under the table then you handed it to Ran.

"Thank you so much dear, I'll treat you to a dinner out mh?" He winked at you, you just chuckled and smiled.

"Sounds nice, don't forget that I have a fiancé tho, Ran" you genuinely smiled, tilting your head teasingly.

Your fiancé Hiro.
The sweetest guy on heart.
The one who always understood you and had always been by your side despite your family problems and your troubled life.

You would never change him for no one else...

Not so long ago he asked you to marry him, and you were now both busy to work on the wedding and all its preparation.

You were so excited to marry the man you always loved, you had waited it for so long.

"Oh I'd never hit on an engaged woman, I'm very respectful" he gave you one of his famous smirks and placed his hands back in his pockets after giving the blade to Rindou "Anyways thank you for the katana, see you sweetie"

"Sure, see you too Ran... and Rindou" you sat back on the chair, waiting for them to exit the room.

"Suck my dick" he just answered and followed Ran outside.

"Ah you wish" you shook your head.


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