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The buzzing sound of the phone on the nightstand next to you disturbed your sleep.

So you had to reluctantly wake up and open your eyes.

You hated being woken up like that.
You preferred your alarm, it had a way more delicate sound that would wake you up slowly, sweetly... Not like that damn thing.

You sighed heavily and lazily leaned your arm over to take the phone and check the time first.

10 am.

You slept for more than three hours.

At that time, if you were at work, you were already buried deep in documents to fill, paperwork to do and Sanzu's complaints to listen to because he couldn't find his pills or his katana or because Rindou pranked him.

You then checked the notifications since your phone didn't stop buzzing. It seemed like someone was spamming you lots of texts.

"What the fuck..." you frowned when you saw 20 missed calls and 25 unread messages.

And you widened your eyes in surprise, seeing the name of the contact.

Baby I'm sorry for what I did yesterday

Please baby reply

You're at work, right?
Don't you have a bit of time to answer my calls or texts?

I really need to talk to you and explain myself

I didn't want to scare you yesterday
I just got jealous

I'm very sorry baby
Believe me when I say I'm sorry

It's that the thought of your boss taking you away from me scared me, okay?
I'm very insecure
He looks like he's much better than me

I know you would never do such a thing, but I'm scared you will replace me with him...
Please understand me...

You can keep working there, it's okay for me
You can do what you want
I just need you in my life, Y/n

Don't call off the wedding please
I want to marry you as soon as possible

You're the woman of my life
I love you so much...

I didn't go to work today
I don't feel good
I'll wait for you to come back home tonight so we can talk properly, okay?

I love you<3

"Jesus Christ..." you sighed, carefully reading all the texts.

What could you do now?
He literally asked you for forgiveness, spamming a lot of texts and also calls.
Maybe he really regretted treating you like that...

Even if he acted a bit toxic, he really loved you...
Because love is also jealousy, right?
Or that was what you thought your love could be.
You didn't have any other boyfriends apart from Hiro in your life, so you didn't actually know.

"Also, I can't live here at Sanzu's till I can't find a new apartment... It would take too much time, and I can't take advantage of his kindness..." you sighed out while you kept scrolling through your fiancé's texts.

You then placed the phone back on the nightstand and plopped yourself back to bed again, huffing in confusion.

"What do I do..."

"Damn, I should really take a shower..." it was lunchtime and Sanzu came back home to eat.

It wasn't something he often did, since he used to have lunch at the headquarters with you and the Haitanis. But the fact was, he preferred eating with you than with the two brothers. And as you weren't there, he came back home, just to be welcomed by a fascinating smell.

He wasn't a good cook, so no way he had ever smelled something so good.
He just knew how to cook edible things without risking his life because of intoxication.

And since there weren't any other people in the house apart from you, he guessed you were the one cooking.

"Uhh... Y/n?"

"Oh! Hey Sanzu" you peeked out the door frame of the kitchen "I imagined you were coming back home for lunch, so I prepared something to eat"

"But... you didn't have to... we could have ordered something online" he placed his gun on the coffee table in the living room and took off his jacket too, throwing it on the sofa, without taking off the shoulder holster.

You could tell he tortured someone since he was covered in blood again, and he didn't seem to mind it. He wasn't high, tho.

How could you tell he wasn't high?
Well, he wasn't sniffling repeatedly, he was actually calm, he wasn't hungry as hell and lastly, he wasn't stumbling. He had a perfect posture, left hand in his pocket, while with the right one he held a paper that he took from the coffee table.

One of the multiple documents he was too lazy to look at.

"Well I know that you eat like shit every day since you can't cook well, so let me make you eat good today as I had nothing to do the whole morning"

"Wow you insulted and said sweet things to me in one sentence, impressive Mrs L/n" he smiled and walked in the kitchen to approach you and look at what you were cooking "Oh my god it's chicken curry"

"Exactly, I know you became addicted to it since the time you actually stole it from my bento so here you go your favorite chicken curry"

"Ahhh I can't wait to eat it" he licked his lips, his eyes becoming shinier.

"Yes, but take a shower first! You smell like blood!" You made a disgusted face and pushed him away jokingly.

"Dang okay, okay" he just rolled his eyes and shook his head "I'll be quick" he immediately walked out the kitchen and went straight to the bathroom.

"Sure go go!"


️⚠️Chapter 12 is placed between ch. 28 and 29⚠️

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