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A mirror reflected your dressed-up figure.

Wearing a black blouse covered with a black jacket, black pants and black shoes too, you were ready to head to your destination.

You didn't expect this day to come so early..
It shouldn't have happened, maybe if you stopped him earlier he would have never died.

As thoughts rapidly ran in your mind back and forth, fucking your brain up with so many regrets, externally you were paralyzed, staring at your figure through the mirror.

All of that was probably your fault...
Not probably, it was surely your fault.

But you didn't know why as you kept asking yourself where did you go wrong..
You just blamed it on yourself.

Slowly lowering your gaze on your hands, you found a pearl necklace that he gave you when you turned 18 years old.

Not because he bought it, he was poor as hell.
It was just a heirloom he always kept with himself, coming from a very long lineage from his family.

You looked up in the mirror again when you felt a hand gently resting on your hip and slowly shifting to your belly, while you were being pressed to a male body behind you.

"Hey" Haruchiyo spoke into your ear before giving you a little kiss and resting his cheek on yours, he just got dressed up after a long shower, and he smelled so good.

"Hey.." your trembling words came out of your lips in a reluctant way, even if Haruchiyo was glad to hear your voice as you hadn't been speaking since your father's death, two days ago.

And on the other hand, your boyfriend never forced you to talk to him. He just let you be since it, of course, was a really hard time for you.
Though, he always stood by your side, mentally and physically too, making sure you would never feel alone.

"Want me to help you?" He eyed your necklace, then looking in the mirror at your perfect yet sad face.

He also was wearing a black outfit: black pants and jacket, with a white shirt under it, that matched with a black tie. He even offered to dye his hair black since his actual hair color was a bit too much but you told him you just needed him with you, not caring how.

"Yes, please" you handed him your necklace and turned back to your original position, obliged to keep your head up as you let him tie the pearl necklace around your neck.

"I don't think I want to go.." you suddenly blurted out. In fact you weren't sure.

After your last conversation with your father, you realized there was nothing linking the two of you, same with your mother, just pure bloodline.

"We talked about this.." after being done with the necklace, he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder and exchanging a glance with you through the mirror, his sweet eyes meeting with yours "It's your choice.. and I'll support you anyways.."

"What if I cry in front of everyone? In front of the others?" You came to know that the other executives as well were coming at your father's funeral, just to express moral support, even if that meant exposing themselves to the public.

"Just cry.." he slowly detached from you and turned your body, so you were face-to-face now, exchanging a real eye-contact "There's nothing wrong in letting out what you have inside, it would be really helpful.. it's more than normal crying because your parent is deceased"

As soon as you noticed that you pursed your lips, Haruchiyo hugged you tight to his chest, placing a sweet and long-lasting kiss on your forehead "Stay strong okay? It will be just some hours then we'll get back home and rest for as much as you want"

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