i| Fairly Local

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I'm fairly local, I've been around

I've seen the streets you're walking down


When Eve Brooks was younger, her mother told her that people turned into stars when they die

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When Eve Brooks was younger, her mother told her that people turned into stars when they die. And being a five-year-old, she truly believed it. And when she'd ask where her father went, her mother would point up to stars.

"Eve Marie Brooks, your dad loves you to the moon and back and he still will as a star,"Her mother would tell her every time she asked.

Eve stuck with the idea of the dead turning into a star even up to the age she was now; Seventeen, because the idea of that was nicer than believing it all just ended; it was nice to know something happened, that someone was waiting for them.

Harry Brooks hadn't intended to lose his life and to leave his daughter but being a muggle had as many dangers as wizard, especially when he was an army officer. The father would be waiting for his daughter and hopefully, it would be a while until he met her again in the stars.

Eve didn't have any siblings and her mother didn't plan on having any more kids. Eve thought it would be her and her mother forever, just the two of them. She was wrong, however, though she didn't mind too much.

When Eve was nine, four years after her father died, her mother finally remarried. She was reluctant since she had a daughter but Eve ran along with her mother's happiness more than her's. So Amanda Brooks married Michael Dale and Eve gained a step-brother and step-sister. A year after they moved in together, Eve soon found out that she loved the new additions to her family.

Kaden was two years older than Eve, he was happy to help Eve with any bullies if he needed to. Kala was around six months older than Eve and they were very close. Either way, they were like blood siblings to her even if they weren't.

Unlike her step-siblings, Eve had unusual things happening to her. When she wanted her Teddy and no one was around, it would float to her or when kids would pick on her at school for being ginger, she'd make their bottled drinks explode (or better yet, turn their hair ginger).

At eleven, Amanda wasn't happy her daughter was stolen away for most of the year for seven years but she still sat down and explained to Eve that she was a witch...but it wasn't the type she saw kids dress up as for Halloween.

That led up to now, where Eve was sitting in the garden. A book was perched in her hands as she sat amongst the flowers, wearing a blue hoodie with a Raven on the front that Kala went and had made for her birthday.

"Eve, you've been out there all day!"Michael called,"Aren't you hungry?"

"Not particularly," said Eve dully.

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