Xii| One that I want

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You better shape up, 'Cause I need a man

And my heart is set on you.


"Can I ask you a question?" said James

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"Can I ask you a question?" said James.

Eve looked up from her Charms book that she had been reading in preparation for N.E.W.T.s. She pushed a piece of hair out of her face in order to see James clearly.

"Go ahead," She replied.

"If I was to come with you and the boys, would you care to join us in the Great Hall?" said James.

Eve's lips parted. She hadn't been in the Great Hall since the start of the year feast, and she had been constantly looking around with the feeling that people were staring and talking about her.

"James, walking in with you boys is going to give me more attention than I'm ever going to get in my entire life," Eve whispered, so quiet James could only just hear her.

"Eve, I know you can't help what you feel but if you keep avoiding it, it won't get any better. You understand that, don't you?" said James carefully.

"I know that but it doesn't it any easy," said Eve, unconsciously rubbing her arms," Besides, people are already looking at me in the corridor and it's not just my anxiety, I have eyes too."

"Okay, that's because Sirius is a loud mouth who told Marlene about us who told - well everyone," James apologised,"But you're not embarrassed about us, are you?"

"What even is 'us'?"

"Whatever you want 'us' to be."

Eve didn't answer for a moment, just stared into the flames of the fireplace. James glanced at her.

"I don't think friends kiss each other," said Eve. "At least I don't think so. So I suppose that makes us more than friends then."

James smiled at Eve's awkwardness.

"If I come to the Great Hall with you...will you buy me fudge flies?" Eve asked.

"I will buy you as many boxes of fudge flies as the queen desires,"James grinned."It"s your birthday tomorrow. Do you have any plans?"

"No," Eve shook her head. "My Birthday has never been a big deal, y'know?"

"Well it should be," James beamed. "I"m going to go to bed."

"James," said Eve,"I'm going to the Ravenclaw dorms with Raina tonight. We always do on our birthday so I'll see you in the morning?"

"I'll see you in the morning love," said James with a nod.

James stood up, his face glowing as he kissed Eve's cheek. As he left, Eve pressed a hand to her cheek as she whispered; "Love?"


On the morning of Eve's birthday, she woke up to an enthusiastic Raina. Raina and Pandora had given Eve her gifts; Raina had given her a friendship bracelet and Panda had given her a new Herbology book.

After telling Raina about the conversation the night before, Eve listened as her best friend rambled on about how cute it was. She expressed how proud of Eve she would be if she was able to face her biggest fear too, saying she'd be there with her.

Eve thought it sounded like she was going off to battle and metaphorically, she was. She was just battling something mental instead of physical.

"Where are the so-called marauders?" Eve asked, noticing that they hadn't joined them for Transfiguration like they usually did.

"Most likely doing something stupid,"Raina yawned,"Well, James anyway."

Eve shrugged. When she sat down in the Transfiguration classroom, Professor McGonagall knew something was different. After the class had officially started, the Professor made her way over to Eve.

"Where is Mr Potter?" McGonagall asked. "He normally appears with you, Miss Brooks."

"Probably doing something stupid," Eve replied.

"And Mr Lupin?"

"Probably stopping James from doing something stupid."

"Mr Black?"

"Probably trying to stop Remus from stopping James from doing something stupid."

McGonagall and Eve stared at each other, knowing that they both knew Eve's answers weren't that far-fetched.

"And before you ask Professor," said Eve,"Peter is probably watching and laughing at Sirius trying to stop Remus from stopping James from doing something stupid."

"Those boys will be the death of me," McGonagall muttered,"Well, Miss Brooks, please let them know that they will be serving detention with me on Monday, Eve."

Eve nodded with a smile.

"And to make them regret missing an important lesson again," McGonagall continued. "Why don't you come along Eve, we can have Tea and Biscuits."

"That sounds wonderful, Professor."


"Where have you four been?" Eve asked, crossing her arms,"I hope you know that you have detention now."

The Marauders shared a look before grinning. They were all suspiciously standing in front of the Ravenclaw Tower entrance with Pandora and Xenophillius standing a few feet away. Raina had taken Eve there, staying she had a 'feeling; the boys were there.

Then slowly, James took Eve's hand and entered the Ravenclaw common room (Pandora had answered the riddle). The Ravenclaw Head Girl was slightly worried and suspicious as James placed a hand over her eyes.

When he let her see again, Eve was beyond surprised. The Ravenclaw common room was completely empty. There were banners hanging up with 'Happy Birthday Eve' written along with them. There were floating candles that illuminated the dome ceiling above. It was perfect for Eve.

"It"s just us," James whispered in her ear,"We kicked everyone out."

"Y-you did?" Eve stuttered,"Why?"

"Because it's you and the fewer people, the happier we know you are,"Raina placed a hand on her shoulder,"Happy Birthday Eve."

"Happy Birthday, Evie," said James softly, his hand still in hers.

The rest of the people in the room said the same in sync; Remus, Sirius, Peter, Pandora, Xenophillius and Lily. People Eve cared for and trusted.

"This is for you," said James nervously, "I know I haven't known you as long as the others but well...I didn't know what to get you and I knew you liked Herbology..."

"You're rambling, "Eve smiled,"I'm sure whatever it is will be lovely, why are you worrying?"

"It's you," James went slightly red,"I don't know, you make me un-James-like."

Eve undid the wrapped present, finding a beautiful leather journal with flowers surrounding it and gold corners. Her initials were engraved on the front as well. It was personal and Eve had no clue that James even realised that she was constantly writing, normally plant-related things.

"It's perfect."

Eve threw her arms around James' neck and kissed him. And just like the last time, butterflies filled her stomach and she realised that whatever they must have been love because Eve couldn't explain it in any other way.

 And just like the last time, butterflies filled her stomach and she realised that whatever they must have been love because Eve couldn't explain it in any other way

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I know this is a random question but if you recognise the song above, you'll get it.

What is your favourite musical, if you like them?


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