XiX| Piece by Piece

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He never walks away, He never asks for money

He takes care of me, He loves me


February 1979

Eve didn't know what to do

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Eve didn't know what to do.

The first thing she did was cry; She let tears flow down her blush pink cheeks as she sobbed. Raina and Lily, who were in the bathroom with her, wrapped their arms around her. They didn't know what to say for everything to be made okay.

A pregnancy test was sitting on the sink, the screen reading that it was positive. Another one was in the bin, also read that it was positive.

Eve was nineteen years old and she already had so many problems of her own. It's not that she didn't want a baby because she knew she did...she just didn't expect to until she was at least over twenty-five. She didn't want to have any children until she was certain she wasn't going to be murdered any day.

Yet, even if Eve wasn't quite ready for a baby as she would have liked to be, she had never been the type to not accept it. She would not abandon this baby because she knew she'd love them no matter what age she had them at, as long as she could afford to keep it safe and loved.

"What do you want to do, Eve?" Lily asked softly.

"I should probably tell James," Eve sniffed,"But I don't know..."

"You know what James' reaction would be Eve," said Raina,"You know he'd be happy about it, is that what you're worried about? Do you not want—"

"I do, Raina," Eve interrupted, "I just have no idea what I'm doing."

"You'll work it out," said Lily,"And even if you don't know what you're doing, you'd be stupid if you thought it would just be you and James looking after them. You have all of us and your mum and so many people, Eve. I know you think people don't like you but they do."

Lily hugged Eve, giving her a smile.

"Eve, no matter what you and James decide to do, we are all here for you." said the Evans,"And you would be a wonderful mum."

"Thanks Lily, Raina," said Eve with a small sigh,"You've probably missed the meeting because of me now."

"The Order can deal without us for a couple of hours," said Raina,"Besides, James left when we arrived so he knows we're here."

Eve nodded, standing up. She waved her wand to clean up the small pile of tissues from trying to stop crying. Raina gave Eve a small pat on the shoulder before saying her goodbyes, she wanted to meet Sirius back at their own place.

"Now, if James says anything you don't like, you owl me and I'll come bury him," said Lily in a surprisingly sweet voice,"I mean it. Just because we're friends now, does not mean I still won't bury his sorry arse in the ground for hurting you."

"He wouldn't," said Eve,"But thank you, Lily."

"Any time Eve,"Lily replied,"Owl me tonight, okay?"

Eve nodded, moving out of the way so Lily could get her cloak.


Eve was still in a state of shock as she sat on the sofa waiting for James to get back. She kept staring at her stomach as if she would see or feel something that she hadn't before; It was too early for that anyway.

At the sound of the door opening and closing, Eve clambered up from the sofa. James entered the living room in a hurry, only briefly glancing at his fiancé.

"Eve, we're needed for a mission next week," said James, "They reckon a group of Death Eaters are planning on going after some muggle-borns near their headquarters. Probably end up in a fight."

"I can't go," said Eve, turning around from where she was cooking.

"What?" James questioned.

"I can't go."

"Eve, people could die!" said James,"We can't just sit and do nothing."

"I'm not going!" Eve raised her voice,"I'm not."

"Why?" James asked, stepping forward.

"I just can't."

"What's more important than saving people?" said James, voice raising like Eve's had,"There are kids in that house! What's more important than that! We can't be cowards during a time like this, Eve—"

"I am not a coward, I'm Pregnant."

James stumbled back, eyes widening. Out of all the reasons...he couldn't imagine Eve saying that. A hand went over Eve's mouth as she breathed in and out heavily. She hadn't wanted to tell James that way.


"I'm Pregnant," said Eve again. "And while I'm happy to risk my life, I will not risk a future child's."

James practically ran to her, hugging her as he placed his head on her shoulder. His Eve was going to have a baby, their baby.

"How long have you known?"He asked.

"A week or so," Eve whispered.

"Why didn't you tell me, Eve?" James whispered in her shoulder.

"James, I can't be pregnant," said Eve, tears streaming down her face,"We're barely adults! I'm Eighteen years old, I don't know what I'm doing. We're in the middle of a war...I can barely look after myself!"

"Eve, just breathe," said James soothingly, placing his hands on either side of her face,"It's okay, it's great, we'll be okay."

"We will?"

"We will,"James nodded.

"But the wedding—"

"I don't care if you have a small bump or an entire baby bump in your wedding dress, Eve," said James,"I wouldn't care if you walked down the aisle not dressed at all but I don't fancy others staring at you. That's for me only."

Eve smiled, letting out a deep breath. Secretly, she knew she'd always wanted a baby but always feared no one would be brave enough to love someone like her.

"I'm going to take care of you, Eve, and our baby," said James,"I promise."

Eve looked up at him with her emerald green eyes before resting her head on his chest.

"I love you," Eve mumbled into his chest.

"I love you too, Evie."

James kissed her head, stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Almost in a trance, he placed his hands on her stomach. She wasn't showing yet but knowing about having a child was enough.

"Our baby,"He whispered, placing his head on her shoulder.

"I—It's not too early?"Eve questioned,"To have a baby?"

"Eve, I wouldn't have cared if you wanted to wait until you were forty to have a baby," said James,"Having you is enough but this is great. I suppose it's early and not great timing but that isn't going to make us love them any less."

Eve lay her hands over James.

"I'm scared."She admitted.

"I know, I am too."

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