iV| War of Hearts

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I can't help but want you

I know that I'd die without you


As the weeks rolled by, Eve Brooks realised that being head girl meant her hours of free time and sleep decreased

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As the weeks rolled by, Eve Brooks realised that being head girl meant her hours of free time and sleep decreased. She was doing patrol most nights and making sure that the prefects were as well. She didn't mind it too much, James wasn't as bad as she thought.

The boy thought Eve was strange but not in a bad way. It was the thing she did that made him question how she had survived six years at the school. She was jumpy but aware of every little thing going on around her.

When she was distracted, such as walking in an empty corridor with James on prefect duty, she was good to talk to. But she refused to utter a word if there were more than two people she didn't know in the room. James didn't mind, though it was a reality check for someone so confident.

James had entered the Head boy and girl's quarters that night to find Eve curled up, reading a book that he couldn't read the name of. The minute Eve realised she was there, she had jumped up like James was there to attack her.

"Oh, sorry," said Eve,"I—"

"You can stay, Eve, it's your room too," said James kindly, sitting down across from her,"What book do you have?"

"It's something called Biochemistry — I don't understand any of it—"

"Then why are you reading it?"James chuckled.

Eve smiled slightly, sitting down next to him. She debated whether to keep to herself but eventually found the courage to speak.

"My sister, Kala, she's a muggle. She's not my real sister by blood but she's a good as," explained Eve. "And she goes to a muggle school that only smart people go to and she studies Biochemistry there."

"And what is "Biochemistry?"James questioned curiously,"Sounds weird."

"It's a bit like potions, I think?" said Eve, though she sounded questionable herself. "I can't make any sense of it...I'm trying but I can't."

"Then stop reading it."

"I can't!"said Eve, slightly frustrated,"I just want something I can talk to her about that isn't me being a pathetic excuse for a daughter and sister!"

Eve gasped suddenly, realising what she had said. James, eyes wide, watched as she scrambled up. She was horrified at herself, horrified for letting anyone other than Raina in. It was like she had committed a great crime by the way she backed away from James.

"Eve, it's alright,"said James soothingly,"It's okay, I understand."

"No one understands, Raina could never understand,"Tears welled up in her eyes but she wiped them away,"I'm sorry, I'm going to go now."

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