XViii| Different World

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We've been chasing our demons down an empty road

Been watching our castle turning into dust


December 1978/January 1979

Being a part of the Order was both stressful and reassuring

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Being a part of the Order was both stressful and reassuring. Perhaps they were completely opposite words and Eve had no real idea about what she had gotten herself into. It was stressful trying to keep track of all they were doing to stop the dark forces. Yet, it was reassuring to know they were doing something to help.

Eve just wanted the war to be over but she knew it had barely started.

They were young, and most of the order was. They didn't have any idea about what they were walking into because all they cared about was making sure they at least had some kind of future to work for.

Lily Evans, Raina Edwards and Eve Brooks were a Trio to be reckoned with. Eve had Raina to speak for her and Raina and had Eve to advise from and Lily had them both to exchange opinions with. The two often went on duty together.

On News Year's Eve, the Potter's, Brooks-Dale's and their friends gathered for a party. It was kept to family only, James claiming that he wanted to make sure it was perfect because Eve was there. No one questioned it, just happy they were spending it together.

As James and Eve danced in one of the corners, she knew something was different. James was acting incredibly nervous as he glanced at the clock multiple times. It was five minutes to midnight.

"You're being strange," Eve commented as he spun her around.

"Not that strange," James smiled sheepishly.

Eve rolled her eyes but she knew better.

"Eve," James said, catching her attention.

Curious to Eve, James took both of her hands in his. His eyes waved to look at the clock for a moment, as did Eve's. It was two minutes until midnight.

"I know that we haven't known each other as long as I wish we would have," said James,"And I know that you think it happened out of nowhere...which it did. Maybe, under different circumstances, I would have waited a little longer but with people disappearing, I can't take any chances."

One minute.

"I told you that I loved you and you stayed anyway. Even though you didn't love me back at that point, or didn't know, you didn't run away and hurt my feelings. At that point, I couldn't have been in love with you any more than that... it didn't matter how long it had been because I knew."

And the clock struck twelve and as everyone wished each other a happy new year, James Fleamont Potter had got down on one knee to Eve.

"Eve Brooks, will you marry me?"

Eve stared at him in shock. For a moment, James thought she'd say "No", run away and he'd never see her again. But then she nodded with teary eyes, echoing, "Yes".

And with a small cry of joy, James wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.


In the months that Eve had lived with James, she thought that he'd have driven her mad by now. By a miracle, it seemed that they worked quite well living together. James was a rather good cook, In Eve's opinion...his mum used to cook with him. Eve was a terrible cook, there was no denying it.

Being engaged felt no different to Eve, apart from the fuzzy feeling she got when she looked at the ring. She knew nineteen was incredibly young to get married, she wasn't stupid. However, James was right. People were going missing and people were dying. Eve didn't want to die without knowing she had at least tried to make a life.

She'd lost her father so young and she knew it broke her mother. Her mother had, however, always echoed how glad she was that they got their dream wedding and child. It wasn't something everyone wanted but Amanda did...and so did Eve.

Raina and Sirius were the same way but neither of them had mentioned any type of marriage. Raina had simply gasped loudly when Eve showed her the ring, muttering something about "Shy Eve Brooks marrying James Bloody Potter".

Raina and Sirius were different from Eve and James. Firstly, Sirius already had his own place when he left Hogwarts so Raina moving in with him was easier. Not to mention, the two had been together a lot longer than James and Eve had.

But time didn't matter when you believed you had such little of it. James and Eve had something they didn't want to lose and Eve was determined to make sure they didn't. 

What year was the best for you in your lifetime?

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What year was the best for you in your lifetime?


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