XXiii| Never be enough

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All the shine of a thousand spotlights

All the stars we steal from the night sky


August 1979

After the Death Eater attack, Eve and Kala took the worst effects out of the group

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After the Death Eater attack, Eve and Kala took the worst effects out of the group. Eve refused to speak to anyone, practically locking herself in her room. She had taken to a state of sobbing to kicking items. James tried to give her a mixture of space and support but he didn't want Eve to physically or mentally harm herself in her small fits of rage.

Eve just couldn't help but feel that she didn't spend enough time with her step-brother. In fact, she barely saw him. Even when she wasn't at Hogwarts, Kaden was usually at his part-time job or partying with his friends. Yet, when he was home, he cared about Eve as she had never left.

Kala had taken the opposite route of refusing to be alone and not leaving the house. She had been the one to tell Michael about what had happened; The two ended up crying in each other's arms.

It had been a bad month. It had been weeks before things finally went back to a semi-normal way. They were all grieving but most had taken the anger and grief out on fighting Death Eaters. Kala eventually went back to finish University and got lost in science as a way of coping. They all had their different way.

Amanda had been helpful and James was grateful to have her around. The mother would come and speak to Eve about how James wouldn't; forcefully. She knew her daughter needed to be told directly what had gone on before she accepted the fact that her step-brother wasn't coming back.

Eve eventually did, even though she was on edge nearly all the time. She didn't go to any meetings anymore, which James didn't mind because she was safer at home.


"Yes, love?"

"I'm craving chocolate again."

"You've already eaten all the chocolate in the cupboard," said James in disbelief,"You want more?"

"Adeline or Harry wants chocolate, James," said Eve with a glare,"Your child and wife want chocolate."

James shook his head lightly with a smile, his circular glasses falling down his nose slightly. Eve, fluttering her eyelashes at him, pushed the frames up slightly. She was perfectly aware that James practically did anything the minute he looked at her emerald eyes; She used it to her advantage.

"Moony is visiting in an hour," said James, looking at the clock,"I will tell him to bring you lots of chocolate. Can you possibly wait an hour?"

"Good," Eve nodded.

The red-haired woman yawned. James chuckled at her, kissing her head and getting up from where he was sitting to owl his friend.

"I think Raina is coming around too," James told Eve,"With Sirius, no doubt."

Eve nodded, leaving James to tell Remus to bring chocolate. While he did that, Eve went to make them some Coffee. One thing that Eve found with being pregnant was that she never drank more than two cups of coffee within a week, she cut the caffeine down a lot. But since she didn't drink Tea, she was living off Hot Chocolate, water and Orange Juice.

Just like James said, Remus arrived half an hour later with a range of chocolate bars. Nearly ten minutes later, Sirius arrived with Raina.

"Here," Remus smiled, handing Eve the Honeydukes' chocolate.

"Remus, you are my favourite," said Eve, taking the chocolate.

"Rude," said Raina, rolling her eyes,"I thought I was your favourite?"

"My favourite Ravenclaw," Eve grinned, unwrapping the chocolate.

Eve munched on her chocolate bar, cursing the craving that the baby was giving her. She didn't mind too much since she loved chocolate anyway, it could have been worse.

"Are you going to share that?" Raina asked.

Eve looked at her like she'd committed a terrible crime.


"You know what? Pregnancy has changed you Eve," Raina said dramatically, "Next time I'm around, you'll be swearing!"

"Eve would never swear,"Remus snorted.

"I've heard her swear before," said Raina pointedly,"I think it was an accident but still..."

"When?"Eve questioned.

"When you found out you were pregnant!"Raina laughed,"I told you to calm down and you told me to "fuck off" before you had a meltdown on the floor."

Eve went red. She hadn"t told anyone apart from Raina and Lily that she had cried her eyes out when she first found out she was going to have a baby. Eve glanced at James and he smiled kindly. He knew that she wouldn"t want him to mention it.

"Either way, that's when I know you are emotional," Raina continued,"I prefer shy Eve to angry Eve."

"We've been through a very large range of emotions from the both of you,"Sirius rolled his eyes,"And guess who's dealt with it? That's right...me and James!"

me and James!"

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