ii| Joke's on You

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You had your laugh, now I won't play the fool

I've lied for you, and I liked it too


Amanda Brooks-Dale had struggled with her daughter since the witch was born

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Amanda Brooks-Dale had struggled with her daughter since the witch was born. Amanda thought that loving her daughter more than anything in the world would stop anything bad ever being bestowed on her.

So why was her gorgeous baby always sick? Why did she have such a bad immune system as a child? When Eve was no longer battling sickness...she was battling herself. She wasn't playing with other children or begging to go to the park. She didn't want social contact, just to be alone and read.

And then Amanda had hope, her daughter was a witch. Her prayers were answered, they had new hope. Eve wasn't meant for the cruel regular world. Her troubles with Eve being too anxious to go out of the house would be over.

Alas, troubles with your own mind could not be solved with a swish of a wand. It could put it at ease perhaps, short-term relief, but the cure had to come from yourself. It was a long battle you had to be willing to fight.

Eve was a fighter. At least, she was strong enough to try and help herself, even if it sometimes failed. The proof was there, as she sat on the Hogwarts Express. Despite being alone, she was going to a school full of people like her; full of magic.

"You're in our compartment."

Eve was rudely pulled from her thoughts. Alarmed, she peered over her book to see who was at the door. It was her worst nightmare, the very boys she had tried and successfully managed to avoid for six years.

"Oh,"Eve's mouth parted,"It's alright, I have a meeting to go."

"You do?"Remus questioned,"What meeting?"

"Prefect meeting,"Eve whispered.

"But Edna Jameson and Jonathan Clearwater are your prefects," replied Remus, confused.

"I'm not a prefect."

"But — oh my merlin, did you get head girl?"Remus gasped,"Why aren't you wearing your badge?"

"I forget to put it on,"Eve blushed,"But I should go, you have company."

"No need,"said Remus, grinning,"You see, this is James...he's Head boy."

Eve couldn't understand how James Potter had gotten head boy. It may have just been her opinion but he seemed like the last choice on anyone's list.

For starters, he had gone after a girl for years who repeatedly told him she hated him; Only giving up in sixth year when Lily Evans finally stood in front of him and explained rather nicely that she would just never see James that way. Secondly, he had bullied Severus Snape for no reason. Thirdly, he was the most annoying and sarcastic person in the school. He was the opposite of Eve in every way.

Eve knew there was two side of a story but she didn't remember Lily ever suggesting a relationship to James nor did she remember Severus starting any fights that deserved bullying for the rest of his time at school.

"Hello," said Eve softly, making the mistake of looking up.

"Hi," James' breath got caught as he replied.

She had the most mesmerising forest green eyes James had ever seen, truly riveling Lily Evans. Her face was defined and housed freckles across her nose and cheeks. Her hair was a dark shade of ginger, more towards the red side. In James' opinion, she was gorgeous.

Or maybe he just had a thing for gingers.

James cleared his throat,"Better go to the prefect meeting then."

Eve nodded, leading the way towards the prefect compartment. Eve wondered how she was meant to debrief these students when she was too anxious to even say "hi" to James Potter.


"How come I didn't know her?"James asked,"Eve Brooks, I mean."

"I heard a rumour that she's a mute," Sirius admitted,"Never seen her talk until now..."

"She's not mute, as you are now aware," Remus replied,"She's just...it's not my place to tell. She just doesn't go anywhere near large crowds, only goes to the Great Hall for the opening and last feast. Doesn't go to Quidditch m—"

"No Quidditch matches?"James interrupted.

Remus rolled his eyes.

"Not everyone loves it like you."

"What I don't get is why Raina is friends with her. I mean, Raina is hot... "said Sirius,"But she's not really your typical type one to hang with Eve Brooks."

"Raina is the only one who stands up for Eve," said Remus sadly,"I wish Eve had more friends, she's the nicest person in Ravenclaw. And...she knows I'm a werewolf."

"What?"Peter, James and Sirius said.

"Yeah,"Remus nodded,"She worked it out and asked me. She's known since fifth year and she hasn't told a soul. That's worth something. Besides, she's Lily's friend and Lily did everything to stop you lot annoying Eve."

"How come you've never introduced us?" Sirius questioned.

Remus sighed, putting down the book he was reading.

"Padfoot, Eve struggles with people and always has done. You can't deny that you and James aren't quiet people. You can be a bit much and I didn't fancy my friends being the reason she had a panic attack."

"Well...why had Raina never introduced me to her?"Sirius replied.

"I imagine it's because she doesn't want Eve third-wheeling when you're trying to snog Raina in broom closets every two seconds," said Remus, going back to his book and flipping a page,"Or perhaps, Eve simply didn't want to intrude."

"Raina and I aren't always snogging!"

"You are most of the time," said Peter timidly.

"Well, this boyfriend snogs their girlfriend, Wormy."

"Let's not talk about it," said Remus, looking up at James,"If you want to know her, then talking to her normally might be a start. Not how you talked to Lily but how you talk to us...yourself."

"With all this wisdom, you'd think you'd be in a relationship by now Moony," said James.

"It's harder to find boys that like you and don't act like they're three and I doubt any girls are going to want a werewolf," said Remus, (and yes, the boy liked both) going back to his book,"I'm fine on my own right now, thanks."

"Whatever you say," said Sirius with a yawn.

"Whatever you say," said Sirius with a yawn

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