Xiii| Wake me up

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They tell me I'm too young to understand

Say I'm caught up in a dream



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N.E.W.T.s were more stressful than O.W.ls. At least, in Eve Brooks' opinion, they were. Eve wasn't stupid, she was rather bright in reality. Despite being one of the smartest in their year, that wasn't the reason she was a Ravenclaw. According to the hat, she was placed in Ravenclaw for her passion for learning, not because she was good at it.

But Exams weren't learning, it was about showing off what you had learnt. Eve was nervous that her magic wouldn't work with her nerves about getting a random person watching her cast spells.

"Hey Eve!" said James happily as he sat next to her in the kitchens,"I thought I'd find you in here. How were your exams?"

"I think they went okay," said Eve, rubbing her arm,"I hope the examiners didn't think I was too confident—"

James grinned,"I bet you were perfect, don't stress out."

"Why were you looking for me anyway?"Eve asked,"I have charms with you in half an hour."

"So, my mum owled me today," said James,"And she would really love it if you would come to meet her and dad. Don't give me that nervous look, my mum and dad love people...they'll probably offer to adopt you."

"Did you tell them about me?"Eve asked, blush finding its way on her cheek.

"Why wouldn't I? I thought you were smart Eve." said James. "Please, will you come around my house? For me?"

"Yeah, okay," Eve nodded,"I suppose you met my parents so I should meet yours."

"Thank you!"James grinned as he kissed her cheek,"Come on, let's go find Remus, he said he wanted to speak to you."

The two left the kitchens after Eve thanked the house-elf for her food. They walked the corridors hand in hand, which James had become rather fond of. Now Eve thought about it, James was always either holding her hand or had an arm around her shoulder when they were together; he rather liked knowing he had Eve.

"James?" Eve spoke as they walked.


"I was thinking about what you said a couple of weeks ago, about what we were," said Eve carefully,"And I think that I'm okay if you want to label this..."

"Would you, Eve Brooks, be my girlfriend then?" said James.

"I would love to, James Potter."

When they finally found Remus in the Gryffindor common room, he seemed as happy as the newly labelled couple did.

"Remus?" Eve questioned,"What's up?"

"The sky!" said Remus joyfully.

"Okay, are you high Remus?" said Eve seriously.

"No!"Remus shook his head. "I told your sister I was a werewolf."

"You what?" Eve shrieked. "What compelled you to do that?!"

"Why are you so happy about it?!" James questioned, as shocked as Eve,"You wanted it as a secret!"

"Well, I was telling her about wizard stuff, you know?" Remus explained. "And she told me that she thought werewolves were cool because she stole loads of your books Eve."

"She steals my books when I'm not there?"

"Yeah," Remus nodded,"And she mentioned that you said werewolves are people do and I don't remember why I wrote it but I did...I regretted it afterwards but she wrote back saying that she found it hot."

"Moony, I have never...I mean never...seen you talk about a girl and the fact they found you hot." said James, eyes wide,"I knew I'd influence you one day."

Remus shrugged and Eve was confused. Remus had never wanted to tell anyone about his condition, let alone a muggle. Eve knew that Kala found anything unexplainable amazing and yes, the girl did know a lot about the wizarding world, but this was Remus. Eve knew they had been sending letters since Christmas but it was still strange that they had really bonded through just words on parchment.

"I'm happy for you, Remus," Eve smiled.

"Kala invited me to your house, Eve," said Remus slowly,"But I haven't replied because I didn't know how you felt about it."

"Remus, if you like Kala then my opinion should be irrelevant. But for the record, you are always welcome at our house, whether it's for me or for Kala." said Eve,"I know how hard it is for you being a werewolf and Kala is the one person who will understand. But you can't forget that she isn't a witch."

"I know that, Eve," Remus replied,"But it doesn't matter, not to me anyway."

"Good," said James, patting his back,"Who would have thought...our moons with a muggle who's Eve's sister."


That evening, for dinner, Eve had promised that she would go to the Great Hall with James. Raina, who knew her best friend would try to back out last minute, joined them with Peter, Remus and Sirius.

"If anyone stares, I'll make them stop," James assured.

Eve didn't seem very convinced and it was well-inted; when she stepped in the Hall with the marauders she attracted a lot of attention. The marauders rarely inducted anyone into their group so when they did, it was natural to assume there was a new couple.

Hogwarts students feed on that gossip. 

"This is my girlfriend, Eve, now go back to your boring lives and stop staring at her!" said James loudly.

Eve went incredibly red but noticed how people truly listened to James and went back to talking to their friend. Eve saw Professor McGonagall beam at James, with what seemed like pride. James grinned at Eve as the marauders looked at him.

"That'll keep the boys away," Raina laughed.

"If I knew that would keep the boys away, I would have done that ages ago!"Sirius complained. "Do you know how many people stare at you, Raina?"

"I do," Raina smirked. "But you also made it clear that you belong to me in the corridor when I kissed you under that mistletoe that Thomas Ryans put to try and kiss me."

"Why does he belong to you?"Peter questioned.

"Haven't you noticed Peter?"Remus remarked. "Sirius does anything Raina tells him to!"

"It's not because I'm her property!"Sirius argued. "She does what she wants because I don't want to upset my love."

"More like scared to—"

Sirius rolled his eyes at Peter and Remus.

Eve realised that the Great Hall wasn't so bad when you were surrounded by people who trusted and cared for you...and when James was holding her hand until the table.

and when James was holding her hand until the table

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Are you more like Raina or Eve?

1)Raina - Confident, sassy, drama-loving, the annoying but loveable friend

2)Eve - Shy, witty, caring but quite nervous.

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