iii| Lane Boy

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Don't trust a perfect person and

don't trust a song that's flawless, honest


Eve Brooks had completely forgotten that the Head boy and girl had their own dorm away from their own houses

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Eve Brooks had completely forgotten that the Head boy and girl had their own dorm away from their own houses. This was, of course, so they could get to know each other and think about what's best for the prefects.

But they shared a common room.

Of course, there were positives to this. Eve had avoided the Raveclaw common room a lot over the years and took solace in the library instead. At least, she had somewhere new to be alone and relax.

But she wasn't alone.

She was sharing it with the most annoying and sarcastic boy in the school, the opposite of Eve. Of course, she hadn't been around him long enough to take into consideration the fact that he had changed and matured.

"You know, I could kick Potter out and steal his dorm room," Raina suggested as they walked down the corridor.

"It's quite alright, I've managed to avoid him so far," said Eve softly,"How did tryouts go?"

"Oh, it was alright. The seeker I have isn't great but no one else tried out." replied Raina miserably,"Missy seems to think it's because I'm a girl. Who wants a girl captain? Some equality we have going on."

"I'm sure it's not that, didn't loads of people try for keeper?" asked Eve.

"Yeah, they did,"Raina shrugged,"I'd never replace Robb though, he's been on the team with me since third year and he's amazing."

Eve nodded, letting her best friend ramble on about Quidditch. Honestly, Eve had little interest in it but she let Raina talk herself into insanity if it meant she was happy. It's not like Eve had much to talk about anyway.

"So, anything happened that I missed?"Eve questioned.

"Not really, Pandora introduced me to Xenophillius Lovegood, long-haired dude," said Raina,"It's lonely without you. Xeno's slightly weird but he's totally obsessed with Pandora which is quite cute."

"So you've replaced me?"

"Never," replied Raina, throwing her own over Eve's shoulder,"You are my favourite Ravenclaw, always Eve."

The two walked towards the Transfiguration classroom, which Eve knew she had with the Gryffindors. She didn't mind so much, she had spent many of the years sitting next to Remus and he was nice to her.

But when Eve got to the class, she noticed McGonagall hadn't let anyone sit down. Instead, they were stood waiting for her to say something. Finally, when the last people did indeed show up, she spoke.

"This year is N.E.W.T. year," beganthe Professor,"And over the last six years you have been here, certain students—"She directed her eyes towards Sirius and James, who positively beamed."—have been causing a lot of trouble. Therefore, this year, you will sit where I tell you to."

There was a large chorus of protests throughout the students, which McGonagall simply ignored as she began to read from the list.

"Lily Evans and Remus Lupin— Peter Pettigrew and Ava Scott —Sirius Black and Raina Edwards—"

"You're going to regret that, Professor," Eve muttered under her breath.

"James Potter and Eve Brooks."

Eve cursed, looking towards James. The boy seemed to glow even more than he had been, quickly finding his seat and casting a grin at Eve. Closing her eyes for a moment, Eve enjoyed the last moment of peace.

"Ello Evie." greeted James as she sat down.

"Please do not call me Evie."

"Whatever you say," hummed James, staring at her,"Why so sad Eve?"

Eve grumbled,"I just want some peace and quiet."

"I'm really not that bad, you know?" offered James softly,"I'm not gonna terrorise you or anything. If you want me to leave you to study, I will."

"I believe you," Eve replied simply. "You can stay for now."

"You've been spending a lot of time with Evans, haven't you?"

Eve couldn't deny that; Lily often complained about James when she joined Eve and Remus in the library.

"Sorry,"Eve muttered,"You just don"t have a reputation that fits mine."

"That's your problem, Eve, you don't have a reputation. You have to make one."

"And how do I do that?"

"Be friends with me."

"Who says I even want a reputation? What would that do for me?" questioned Eve,"Better yet, what's in it for you?"

"You," said James with a grin.

"Maybe I don't want a reputation, I am perfectly happy by myself,"Eve stated,"I have Remus, Riana and Lily. I am fine."

"You watch Eve, you'll be falling head over heels for me by the end of the year."

"I highly doubt that."

Favourite Hogwarts Subject?

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Favourite Hogwarts Subject?

1) Transfiguration

2) Charms


4) Potions




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