XXViii| Midnight sky

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We live and die by pretty lies

You know it, oh, we both know it


July 1980


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Adeline sat, clapping her hands as she giggled.

"I told you Eve! I told you!"James sang, picking up Adeline and spinning her around,"Oh I'm so proud, sweetie."

"Dada?"Adeline babbled. "Dada!"

"Yes, I am dada!"James beamed,"Look, this is your mama. Are you going to say mama?"

Adeline blinked at Eve, trying to work something else as she stared at her mother. Eve kissed her head. And as Eve stepped back, Adeline muttered.


"Close enough,"James said cheerily. "Can you say, Harry?"

Adeline just shook her head, battering her pretty eyelashes at her dad. James smiled at her anyway.

"When you meet Harry, you're going to look out for him because that's what older sisters do. And tell him when he's doing something stupid like your mother does with me."

Eve rolled her eyes at James even though she was watching the two of them with a sweet feeling filling her. It was still strange to know she was married, had a daughter and was about to have a son.

"It's time for your nap," said Eve softly,"Who do you want to put you in bed, Adeline?"

"Mama!"Adeline extended her arms towards her mother.

"Traitor,"James whispered. "Dada is your favourite, my sweet daughter, you remember that."

Eve glared lightly at James, taking Adeline carefully. James didn't know how she managed to look after Adeline while being pregnant but the woman did a damn good job at it.

There was a soft knock at the door that James knew was Amanda, he made sure, before opening the door. Amanda and Micheal both treated James before he let them inside.

"Eve's just gone to put Addy down for her nap," said James,"She'll be back in a moment."

"How are you all?"Amanda asked,"I know it's hard for you to stop being so involved with the Order."

James shrugged,"It is but we have to do what's best for our kids, you know?"

"The best choice to make," said Micheal with a nod.

Kaden's murder was still fresh for Michael and he hadn't gotten over it yet. He was mad about it more so, that his son had gotten involved in wizard business, but Amanda helped him see that it wasn't just about the wizarding community anymore. He wasn't the first causality and they knew he wouldn't be the last.

"Mum!"Eve smiled as she entered the room.

"Hello, Eve, dear," Amanda smiled,"How are you?"

"Pregnant," Eve joked. "I'm okay, mum. I promise."

"Good," Amanda smiled. "Kala told me about your chocolate obsession just lately so we brought you some."

Eve beamed, taking the chocolate from her mother gratefully. She stored it in the drawer so it was safe. Most things in the house were in drawers or cupboards so Adeline couldn't get a hold of everything. She was starting to crawl around now and she found the most interest in grabbing anything she could.

"How is Adeline?"Micheal asked.

"Adorable," James asked, smiling, "Although, Eve and I have noticed that she always stares at her like she knows something we don't."

"We're sure it's nothing," Eve waved her hand,"What have you been up to?"

Amanda, Michael, James and Eve all sat down and talked about everything that had been going on.

Soft cries echoed downstairs and Eve immediately got up, putting her hand out to James to tell him to stay there.

"There goes my hour of peace," said Eve,"I'll be back in a moment."


Harry James Potter was born on July 31st.

Of course, at this point, Eve was sure she was going into panic mode. All she could think about was the prophecy threatening to rip their lives apart. After seeing her son's face for the first time, everything seemed calm and she was able to breathe. Her son, her Harry.

Adeline was yet to arrive. Since they didn't know how long Eve would be in labour, Remus and Kala were babysitting her. James and Eve really wanted their children to get along since James was an only child and Eve only had step-siblings later on in her childhood.

She looked at him with large emerald green eyes, tilting her head. Her mother, Eve was lying on the bed, watching Adeline's reaction.

"This is your brother Eve, his name is Harry." said Eve softly,"You want to say hi?"

Adeline looked shy.

"You won't hurt him, Addkins," said James, picking her up and placing her on the bed,"He's your baby brother."

Adeline hovered her hand over Harry's and the little baby took her pinkie finger into his grasp. At first, Adeline looked surprised, her hazel eyes staring at it and then she began to giggle.

James and Eve looked fondly at them.

"Told you she wouldn't be jealous, "James whispered.

"Told you she wouldn't be jealous, "James whispered

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