iX| Walk me home

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Walk me home in the dead of night

I can't be alone with all that's on my mind


If there was one thing that turned the heads of a passerby, it was when Lily Evans and Eve Brooks walked side to side

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If there was one thing that turned the heads of a passerby, it was when Lily Evans and Eve Brooks walked side to side. From far away, they looked rather similar but everyone close to them knew the differences.

Though they both were red-haired, Lily was dark red while Eve was more on the ginger side. They both had green eyes but Lily's were more forest-green while Eve's were a shining Emerald. Lily had a consistently bright and happy (though sassy) look on her face; Eve was more relaxed and shy.

"I just don't get what's so special about me compared to you," said Eve,"I mean, I hardly have a personality that fits his."

"James Potter has a thing for Red-heads," said Lily pointedly.

"I realised that," Eve replied.

Remus looked between the two with amusement.

"Listen Eve, there's something between you two that was never there with me and James,"said Lily, leaning against the table,"He was never in love with me, I was just a good chase because I never gave in."

"I don't think so, I think he did like you," said Eve, frowning.

"I think you should stop over-analysing everything,"said Remus,"The fact is, he is different with you Eve and you need to think about whether or not you like him back."

"I've literally known him for five months Remus," said Eve.

"He knew me for five minutes before he started declaring his undying love—"



Eve didn't really know what to say. Five months wasn't even that short of a time to realise you liked someone, especially when you had been spending multiple hours a day talking to them. Now she thought about it, Eve did spend a lot of her time with him since they patrolled together, talked to the prefects together, shared a common area and shared the same friends.

"Eve, no one is asking you to tell him you love him,"said Remus,"But if you do feel anything, then you should tell him. If you don't, you shouldn't leave him hanging on a thread of hope that you do."

"I think I do,"Eve whispered,"The problem is, I don't know what the hell I'm meant to tell him."

"Tell him the first thing that comes to mind,"said Lily,"If he loves you as much as everyone is claiming then — no matter what you say — he'll be happy about it. Unless you tell him you hate him and never want to see him again—"

Eve hit Lily on the arm.

"Whatever you do, don't tell Raina until you are sure,"said Remus pointedly,"I trust her but she tells Sirius everything and Sirius can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to drama."

"We know," said Lily and Eve.

The three started laughing.

"You know Eve, I'm going to start a club,"said Lily, laughing,"Gingers who James Potter has gone after."

"You make it sound like he's stalking us—"

"He probably is, "Lily joked,"Better watch out."


"It is this time in the year when I expect you to have a good amount of studying time for your N.E.W.T.s and — Mr Black, what are you doing?"

"Twirling Rain's hair," said Sirius calmly,"It's pretty isn't it, Minnie?"

Professor McGonagall wondered what Sirius Black was planning on doing with his future because at this very moment...she was very concerned.

"Mr Black, this is a transfiguration lesson, Can you please refrain from twirling Miss Edwards' hair until after class?" said McGonagall.

"Only because it's you asking," Sirius grinned.

Professor McGonagall sighed but continued the lessons anyway.

Eve remembered telling herself that the Professor would regret the decision to sit Raina and Sirius together. Then again, Eve knew it was a better decision than putting Sirius with James. Those two couldn't stay focused for more than a minute.

"Eve, are you okay?"James whispered,"You spaced out."

"Oh, yeah I'm fine," said Eve, nodding,"Just thinking."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Just Raina and Sirius,"Eve smiled,"They're just...perfect together."

"They weren't always that way," said James, making sure McGonagall didn't notice him talking," Raina asked Sirius out in the end, surprisingly. Sirius didn't want to admit he liked her because he thought we'd laugh at him."

Eve frowned.

"We didn't, of course," James added,"He changed, stopped flirting with other girls, asking like a 'bad boy'. Now, it's all about her."

The Ravenclaw nodded, she was glad that her best friend was happy.

"You've changed too, Eve, in a good way," said James.

Eve grew confused, mouth parting as she stared at James. She didn't understand how she could have changed, why she felt the need to.

"I have?"She questioned.

"When I first met you, you barely spoke to me," said James,"You wouldn't sit in the same room with me or speak to me unless you had to. You freaked out whenever you thought you had offended me or upset me—"

"Well, I—"

"—And I realised that what you needed wasn't for me to be the James Potter everyone sees because you needed someone who generally cares. I do, by the way."

"Does all this have a point to it?"

"Eve, you are talking to me during a lesson that the teacher is talking in," said James, beaming,"You let me and my — our —friends come to your house for a party. You told me personal things because you trusted me. That's not a bad thing, it's amazing actually."

"But I still have issues," said Eve, rubbing her arms.

"Everyone has issues Eve, they can't go away overnight," said James soothingly,"But if I cared about your issues being a problem, I wouldn't still be here."

For Eve, this was the most genuine thing anyone had ever said to her. It was so honest that she questioned everyone else around her over the years. This Gryffindor, whom she had never spoken to before being head girl, was telling her that her problems weren't a problem to him.

"Why me?"

"Sorry?"James' eyebrow furrowed.

"It's just...you're James Potter, everyone knows you...and you wanted to be friends with me?" said Eve,"What makes me so special compared to Lily or Raina or anyone?"

"You're special to me."


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I broke my own heart. I've read a little too many stories of James being a bad boy and needed Nice James for a change :)

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