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"All of me loves all of you

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"All of me loves all of you." — John Legend

" — John Legend

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Mumbai, India

We had gotten back home with mixed feelings and loads of emotions. Anika Di, Rey Jiju and Yash were still outside and I never got to talk to her about what I had found out a while ago.

Vihaan had gone somewhere and it had been almost over three hours. He had told me it was some urgent work and had asked me to have my dinner on time. And here I was, after a light dinner, lying on my bed and aimlessly staring up at the ceiling. The events of the day slowly made their way into my mind. And now when I was in the confines of my room, everything that I found from that house was wearing down on me.

No matter how mature I acted there, a part of me hadn't taken it well. I suddenly started feeling itchy and emotional. When I saw those adoption papers, I couldn't feel anything at first. It felt like a very well thought out prank.

But the more I read down the document, the more it made sense.

I got adopted when I was just three days old, had no name and was abandoned in the hospital.

I laughed at the reality of my birth. Even for a second, I felt like why was I treated like that? But then, everyone flashed in front of me. My friends, my Di and Jiju, Yash, my in-laws, Vihaan and even my parents. And that moment was the moment of reality.

I wouldn't have gotten any of them if I hadn't been adopted. It was a beautiful blessing and I was grateful for it.

Looking at the clock, I noticed that it was half-past eleven. Picking up my phone which was lying by my side, I dialled Vihaan's number. The phone kept on ringing but he didn't pick up.

"Looking for me?" When I looked up at the door, it was Vihaan, leaning over the door frame. I chuckled and nodded as I sat straight. He smiled brightly at me and entered after closing the door when I noticed that he was holding two bottles of beer.

"Ah, this one is for my lady," he handed me one as he plopped himself beside me on the bed. "Adi told me that you enjoyed drinking from time to time," he further added. I guess I stared at him too hard.

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