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"You're a mess, I confess, I despise you in the best kind of way

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"You're a mess, I confess, I despise you in the best kind of way." ― Jamie Weise

" ― Jamie Weise

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Jaipur, India

Vihaan had managed to ruin my mood. But on the other hand, there was a weird kind of satisfaction when I answered him back. I was happy that I didn't cower back and gave him a piece of my mind. I groaned over the fact that after two weeks, we were going to live together in the same house. I didn't want to imagine what would happen when we would start living together. As of now, I shrugged it off as I tried to enjoy the wedding to the fullest.

My meeting was scheduled for four in the evening, and I reached the conference room at three-thirty after I spent the whole morning formulating the issues to be addressed and checking other trivial matters. I had arrived early because I had to go through the last final pointers and notes. I was still learning the tricks involved in the business, and this was my first big meeting in person.

The employees started filling the conference room. My nervousness was reaching its peak.

Deep breaths, Shay.

It will be okay.

As the door closed and everyone was seated, I clapped thrice to grab their attention. After greeting them all, I commenced the meeting. "First of all, thank you for joining this meeting. First, I would address the audit reports. Recent stats have been really great, and the profit has also increased. There are positive reviews of our hospitality and other services. Under Anika Di's supervision, the half-yearly audit was a success. So, congratulations to all of you. After a lot of discussions, it has been decided that all of you will get a hike in pay. So, congratulations again."

The conference room thundered with loud claps and cheers, and I couldn't help but smile at their excitement.

I continued, "Now coming to the serious topic, the FSSAI has rated our food and kitchen department 3.5 stars out of 5, which is considered to be fair. As I was going through the reports of the kitchen department, I found that the food served is either salty or bland. It doesn't always happen, but there are regular complaints about it. I also experienced it today during lunch. The chicken curry was really bland and lacked salt. Mr. Dixit, you are the head chef of the kitchen department, and you have to intimate your members about this. Be more alert. Also, I have decided that we won't be using Chinese salt, that is, ajino moto in our Chinese dishes, as it is not good for health. Our food doesn't only aim to be the tastiest; it also aims to be the healthiest. We don't have to be 'fair' with 3.5 stars. We have to be 'excellent' with 5 stars. I will be personally checking the kitchen and food this weekend. We need to be perfect with our services."

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