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"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans

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"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon.

" - John Lennon

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Mumbai, India

The Wedding Day

I was invited into a dark house, beyond the walls folks would usually assume were the boundaries of the dwelling. Behind them was a house of horrors; someone was trapped below floorboards, seen through areas with missing planks. I ran. Upon leaving, there were shots fired, and I hid behind my friends, who were as scared as me.

Then I was somewhere else, in the jungle, smoke choking me up. There was a man too, clad in an all-black outfit with a mask on his face. I looked around to see my friends who were standing close behind me.

They said he had hurt her. Just then, we heard a terrible shriek. She was running towards us, her whole body burning, crying out for help. She fell. I took a step towards her, hoping to help her in some way, but I was pulled back by my friends.

They told me not to go there; we couldn't do anything. Our phones weren't working; we couldn't call the police or the ambulance. The masked man ran away.

We were crying hysterically, not knowing what to do. She was shrieking and calling out for help. Then, suddenly, she stopped screaming. Sleep and fire had engulfed her.

I let out an ear-piercing screech, my hands trying to reach her, only to be held back tightly by my friends. They were also crying as we couldn't save her. Then everything went black.

I woke up with a jolt. My hands went to my cheeks which were wet, and my body was bathed in a cold sweat. The sheets were twisted around my limbs as I vaguely remembered thrashing in the dream. I took deep breaths, my heart thudding wildly against my chest.

The sunlight was peeking through the window, lighting the entire room. The remnants of my nightmare still clung to my mind, haunting me. It was a bitter reminder that I wouldn't be the same; the nightmares had become a part of me. It was only an hour before I had been asleep, only to be woken up by the nightmare.

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