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Chapter 1.

Morning Tears & Tea

"Tareea.... Tareea!" A hand shook my shoulder roughly and I grumbled. My eyes peeled open to look at the man hovering over me. My heart fluttered as I smiled at him, taking in his features. His lips that shaped into a smile towards me, and his light brown eyes that contrasted against his skin deeply. "Goodmorning.." I breathed, feeling my heart swell.

"Good morning, my love. Come on get up." He moved to the side of the bed and waited for me to get out, holding a hand out to me.

A few days prior to today we had gotten into an argument, but when he acted like this- his true self- the pain from those times were nothing but a whisper in the wind. I grabbed his hand and leaned in, kissing his cheek. "Let me go do my morning routine, then I'll be down to make breakfast. Okay?" He kissed my knuckles and nodded, "I'll be waiting." He headed out the room while I went to the bathroom of the master bedroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face while listening to music and instantly, I felt more awake.

I pulled on one of Alex's shirt to cover my naked torso. It fit on me like it was my own, which it was because what's his is mine. I giggled at the thought before running downstairs. Alex was leaning on the counter on the phone, his back facing me.

"I'll come over tomorrow to see you babe..." his voice was close to a whisper but not quite there. He laughed softly and shifted. "I know you can't wait for me, but tomorrow will come so soon and I'll give you as much of me as you want~" he purred, the innuendo rolling off his tongue.

My jaw clenched and I coughed out loud, gaining his attention. He whipped around telling the person on the other end he had to go. "Tareea-" he chuckled awkwardly. I scoffed at him and shook my head, "You- you can't even do right for ONE week." I sighed.

Anger bubbled in my veins and sadness swam around my soul. The truth I just couldn't accept cradled me.

He frowned. I knew for a fact my face matched his, but with a burning anger in my eyes. "Forget it. Just go see whoever your new flavor of the week is, Alex. Get the hell out. I can't stand the sight of you right now."

I didn't leave time for him to speak as I turned on my heels, going back up to our room. I tore his shirt off me like it was burning my skin and pulled on my own. Alex came in, "Tareea come on love. Let's just have a good day."

He put a hand on my elbow, but I snatched it away. "Fuck outta here, nigga," I spat venom as I glared at him. Alex's face twisted and he glared back, and I immediately knew what was to come. "That's what you say, Tareea, but if I really did leave you, you'd cry and sob about how it isn't fair. So shut the fuck up."

I recoiled and swallowed. "Exactly. Come downstairs and make me breakfast, bitch. You already know I'll be gone tomorrow so enjoy me today," he snapped.

Tears welled in my eyes and I felt myself close in. In defeat, I trudged downstairs and started cooking. The pancakes had my tears mixed in the batter; bacon, and cheese grits.

And tea.

I always had tea on days like this.

Dreary days where my eyes were rain clouds, and he was the reason. The warm tea gave me a feeling other than pain and I soaked it up. I dried my eyes and put on a happy face, setting our plates across from each other. He never liked to sit side by side. He always wanted to look at me. Or maybe he didn't want me to see his phone.

Either way, I placed the plates across from each other and the syrup in between us, alongside a pitcher of lemonade. I put down a cup beside each plate and then sat down, pouring the lemonade. I hadn't finished my tea but I could drink both. "Alex-!" I shouted. "Breakfast is ready!"

I heard his footsteps as he came downstairs, dressed for the day. He smiled at me as though what happened earlier was nothing but a crack in the sidewalk. "Thank you, love." He kissed my cheek before he took his seat, rubbing his hands together. I smiled and started eating despite how my appetite had left me.

I needed to eat anyway. My clothes had felt loose on me the past few days. I wasn't a skinny girl and I didn't plan on being one. I heavily enjoyed my rolls and wide hips. My weight was stretched well on me, with my 5'10 height being the cause. My lower body still took a good amount of it, though. I wasn't obese or teetering on the edge of such- in fact, my health was fine. I was naturally thick, and my eating, as well as workouts, didn't tend to make me gain nor lose weight.

I shoved the food in my mouth, feeling myself wanting to reject it. It felt bland on my tongue, but I forced myself to eat it and stared past Alex's head to the window behind him. The sun was shining brightly and I decided I'd go on a bike ride while he was at work to lift my mood.

But first, I'd finish my tea.


First chapter. Hope it isn't too boring or anything

Tell me what you thought 🤷🏽‍♀️ <3

Not all the chapters will be short btw 

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