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Chapter 2.
New Friends. Old shit.

I saw Alex off for work and waited until he pulled out the driveway before running upstairs. I rarely went out aside for work or visiting my grandpa, so even for a simple bike ride I wanted to dress myself up a little. I put aside a black low cut V-neck shirt, black biker shorts, and my pink and black Nikes. On top of that I tossed a pink jacket that matched the pink on my sneakers. The pink was so bright and vibrant I wasn't sure how it'd look when I bought it but I  loved it.

I went off to the bathroom and pulled my bonnet off. My hair had surprisingly not deflated in the night only being a little flat on one side. I put a little curl activator in it and oil before picking it out. My Afro wasn't the biggest nor the smallest. It was fluffy, my curls not being very defined. Not from lack of care, that's just how they were a big ole floof and I loved it.

I applied some mascara and did a dark brown pencil around the edges of my lips and rubbed them together. I went back to the room and got dressed, I tossed on some shades too. I made my way downstairs realizing I was going to need a Fanny pack or something to hold my bike lock and my wallet, just in case.

I went and grabbed that alongside my keys before finally heading out and too my bike. I hopped on quickly and sped down our driveway onto the street. We didn't have a sidewalk so I was careful to make sure I stayed to the side as much as possible as I rode. It was sunny and warm and riding gave me the perfect amount of breeze to keep me cool. I felt free riding my bike and warm still tasting my morning tea on my tongue. The world always seemed better on days like this. Days where the sun-.....a rain drop?

And suddenly I was gettin drenched.

I was getting fucking drenched from the rain.


After it had been all bright and sunny.

I swore and ducked under a driveway hood. I know it's not something I should do or practical but I could barely see riding my bike in the rain. I sighed and kicked my stand down, not getting off the bike but sitting. I'd be there for awhile. And wonderificly I left my phone at home!

So far the morning was going great.


"Ma'am?" I jumped turning head. I wasn't sure how long I'd been sat waiting for the rain to die down but it didn't really matter since it hadn't done a damn thing but pour. A kid stood not far from me waving with a big toothy grin. Well- as toothy as a smile gets with three of them missing.

"My mama said you can come inside. You've been sitting out here for awhile. We have hot chocolate!" I shifted on my bike seat slightly uncomfortable but gave in. My butt was hurting anyways.

The house was warm, warm enough to make me realize I was freezing. I slipped my shoes off at the door not wanting to get their carpet dirty, it was beige. I walked through following the kid to a kitchen. A woman stood in the kitchen sipping what I would assume was hot chocolate from mug, she had two more mugs sat in front of her. She waved to me a smile easing onto her face as she set her cup down. "I hope it's warm  enough for you in here." Her voice was thick with a southern accent that I found welcoming.

The boy gathered himself into a seat a grabbed a mug happily. I smiled and nodded, "it is. I hadn't even realized how cold I was til I had stepped inside. Thank you for inviting me in, I thought today would be nice for a short bike ride and well...obviously not." I grabbed the last mug and took a seat. She laughed a little and shook her head with a hum. "Mmm it's raining cats and dogs out there and I bet you it'll storm," she sighed. "Hope my flowers don't get uprooted I just planted them."

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