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Chapter 6. Part 2.

Party 'Til you Can't wait

They walked into the club, immediately finding it different from the rundown outside. Tareea gasped in surprise as her eyes took in everything.

The framed art lining the walls, the groovy sofas and lounge chairs surrounding the dancefloor. The bars back wall was packed with drinks. Near the back of the club was a pair of glass doors but they were closed, she wondered what was behind there.

"Holy shit.." she murmured as a smile grew on her lips. The music was bumping she knew she'd have to yell for Zane to hear her, but she loved the chaos of it. Especially since it was her music blasting through the speaker- well it wasnt her song or voice but it was her beat.

She tugged the end of Zane's. "This is my song!" She screamed when he leaned down. "It is pretty good," he replied bobbing his head a little. "No I mean- That's my beat." His brows shot up and he patted her shoulder verses try and yell over the music again. He started leading her to the dance floor. They could feel the music even harder here as it vibrated up to their core.

The club wasn't suffocatingly packed, it was surprisingly "empty" for a club anyways. Or so Tareea thought. She voiced this to Zane who shook his head. "It's not late enough, it's only 8." She nodded.

She smiled big as she started to dance. Tareea was not a dancer, but she could no doubt move her body. She could easily move to a beat, and if she was given a choreography she could probably could work it with a minimal amount of difficulty. Zane watched her dance a small smile on his face and a light in his eyes.

"Show me what you got," she mouthed when she noticed his eyes on her. And damn he did.

Showed her out to be honest. He was ridiculously smooth with it following the beat with ease. Tareea was surprised to say the least, she pushed his shoulder glaring playfully at him. He smiled all teeth, tease, and dipples at her.

Eventually Tareea pulled him off the dancefloor and towards the bar. "First drinks, my treat!" She yelled over the music. He shook his head, "I got it." She started to protest but stopped seeing the look on Zane's face. The look in his eyes was heavily domineering and screamed "try me." He held a smirk and just looked at her, waiting to see if she would rebuttal.

Tareea felt her heart race and her lips parted slightly. She felt heat pool between her legs as she stared back forcing herself to look away. Zane asked her what she wanted, ordered and paid before allowing Tareea to lead them off to a booth. Once they say fine she took a big gulp if her drink before taking small sips. She wanted it to go ahead and hit, hoping it would loosen her up and help her get rid of the heat that was flaring up.

"Woah you okay? Big..sip there." He took a swallow of his own drink. She shrugged, "just want it to hit faster." He nodded.

They sat and talked. Zane revealed he was actually a professional dancer and owned his own studio. He tried asking about Tareea's boyfriend but found it to be futile, she would change the subject or just pretend she couldn't hear him over the music. After a bit of them chatting or really, him chatting and her listening they went back to the dance floor.

Now since it being later the club had more people in it and the music was getting more explicit too.

With the alcohol buzzing in her she felt a little more free and with the music playing her hips felt free. She put her hands behind her head, crouched a little, and started to whine to the beat. She mouthed the words to the song running her hands down her body and looked back, locking eyes with a dry mouthed Zane. She smiled cheekily at him before turning back around.

Zane put an arm on her hip and pressed himself against her, moving with her easily. He was carefully at first in case she wanted to move away. But she didn't if anything she switched up a little from her light whining to something more sensual. He groaned hoping she couldn't hear him over the music. He loved the way she rolled against his pelvis.

The music sped up and so did she. She did a mix of whining and twerking as she leaned over a little with her hands in her knees. He put both hands on her hips and rolled his hips with her, rubbing their lower halves together.

"Oh God." He breathed feeling himself harden. He tried move back but Tareea wasn't having any of that. She leaned her body back up pressing flush against him. "Don't run." She put her hands on top of his. "You can keep up Mr. Professional Dancer."

Zane figured Tareea was either drunkenly unaware of his problem or just ignoring it, but he was the one who was truly unaware.

She could feel him pressing against her ass and she loved the way his bulge pushed against her crack as she gyrated. She wasn't drunk but she was definitely tipsy. The alcohol fought any thoughts about Alex or how she should definitely not being doing this. How the liquid heat rolling through her body for this man was wrong.

He groaned into her ear and that just set her off more. She turned around, looking up into his eyes which flickered down to her lips. "There's a hotel across the street," she said standing on her tippy-toes to whisper in her ear. He was quick to grab her wrist and rush out of the club, into the dark of the night. The air was cold cooling the bit of sweats on them from dancing among the people on the dancefloor.


So... Who's ready for chapter 7?! :D

I know you hoes excited 😳
Her pussy finna be BURIED

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