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Chapter 3.

The storm does indeed hurt

"Alex-? What're you doing.." I sighed. I knew very well what he was doing, I was accustomed to his antics and that is what caused me to buy cheaper plates and bowls and cups. This was a rare occurrence- well rare enough but still, shit was expensive.

He flung a plate onto the wall beside me and I stepped back as it shattered, the pieces going in all different directions. "No Tareea what were you doin!? Huh!!!" He shouted coming forward to me. I stepped back out of the kitchen. "I already explained Alex."

"And you think I believe that bullshit!?" His hands flung up pushing me roughly to where I almost lost my balance. "You were out whoring around and just giving my pussy to the next nigga you could find," he laughed humorlessly, dark and cold. I stayed quiet knowing talking would probably enrage him more. "YOU BELONG TO ME!"

He spat getting closer to me. "Tareea....you beautiful stupid female," he sighed grabbed my jaw in a tight grip. "You're mine, you ain't allowed to spread your fucking legs bitch." He said roughly squeezing my face to where it was painful.

It was silent for awhile till I gasped, my eyes were brimmed with tears as he grabbed me. Literally grabbed my vulva, "this! Is mine." He let me go throwing me back against the floor and I cried out when I hit it. Pain shot up my spine and the tears spilled. "Ugh don't cry now! I bet you weren't crying on his dick."

"I didn't fuck him!" I screamed with new found fire, "what I told you is the damn truth and you know it Alex! YOU KNOW ITS THE TRUTH!" I got up trembling lightly. "YOURE THE ONE WHORING AROUND! Not me! I have been faithful to you since the relationship fucking started. YOU ain't been! You just a fuck boy with community dick and you wonder why I ain't gave you no pussy in months," now it was my turn for my hands to fly out and push him.

He scoffed and didn't even stumble. "I can do what the hell I want."

"And so can I nigga I'm grown. One thing I won't be doing, is you're raggedy ass." I hissed.

"Whatever Tareea fuck you!" He reached for his keys in the side table but I was faster snatching them up. "Taree....give me my keys." I swung them on my finger by the loop and stepped away from him, "no you're staying home and cleaning my damn kitchen Alexis."

"Tareea give me my fucking keys!" He screamed. I shook my head, "clean my fucking kitchen." He stalked forward till we we're chest to chest and he grabbed me by the neck squeezing a bit. I held the keys behind me out of reach. "Give me the damn keys."

"Clean up the mess you made, I bought that damn car so if you drive out of my driveway with it I'll report it as stolen. And you know that I will." He looked at me and I looked at him, a challenge flickering in both of our eyes. "I could just choke yo ass out and get them damn keys Tareea," his voice had a whisper of a growl to it. He squeezed my neck harder making it difficult but not impossible to breath and if not for the situation I may have been turned on a little.

Fear that I was pushing back in my mind came full throttle. The challenge wavered in my eyes and I  was more than tempted to throw in the flag. "Do it Alex. Choke me out and take my fucking keys if I wake up in time enough to report you yo ass is grass," I hissed using my last bit of courage and adrenaline.

He stared at me silently a fire burning in his eyes. Alex leaned in and kissed me full of passion, letting my neck go instead bringing his arms around me to the small of my back, pulling me tightly against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, still holding the keys, and indulged In the intimacy.

He broke away slowly. "Sometimes... it makes me so...hot when you get all feisty like that." I shrugged and pushed him back lightly, "that's wonderful. Now clean my kitchen....and maybe we'll put that heat to use." I winked before walking off mentally gagging. Until he stopped fucking with other girls he damn sure wasn't gonna touch me.


I wonder if y'all are ready for the smut? Lol it's not even close to happening

I have several chapters of this book written already. But since I'm finally deciding to publish it-

The next chapter will be the last until I get some views

Also if you made it this far go ahead and add this book to your Private Library babes 😽

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