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~15 years ago~

Alessandro - 18
Giovanni - 16
Lorenzo - 13
Rocco - 10
Matteo - 7
Elijah - 7
Angelo - 5

The night was alive with stars that glistened like a thousand suns. It was like a dark canvas freckled with a million droplets of white paint. An endless ocean, an icy wasteland, a river of stars.

In Italy, the Russo mansion was fast asleep. Well, almost asleep. All but two: Amelie Russo and Matteo Russo. These two Russo's were watching the sky, wishing they could just reach out and touch them. Wishing to see their beauty up close. It was their favourite thing to do, stay up together and watch the stars, Matteo with his hand on his mother's stomach trying to feel the little feet of the youngest Russo.

"What're you going to name it mama?" questioned Matteo.

"Hmmmm, I was going to wait until she comes out and see. What do you think? Have any suggestions?" She replied whilst lovingly stroking her sons hair.

Matteo thought hard, wishing for the perfect names for his new siblings. "I was thinking Lila or Lena. They're pretty names."

"And how can you be so sure it will be a girl mon amore. Look how many brothers you have!" she replied, giggling softly. (my love)

"I can just feel it. And I know I will be the best older brother my sorellina will have!" he giggled in joy. (little sister)

And with that, he gently lay his head on his mother's stomach, attempting to listen to the heartbeat of his baby sibling.

~2 hours later~

"Matteo mon chérie. Wake up. Sweetheart wake up. You little sibling is coming!" (my dear)

With that, Matteo awoke with a gasp and ran to find his father and brothers.

"Wake up everybody! The baby is coming! The baby is coming!" he shouted in excitement.

And with that, the Russo house was alive again, buzzing with excitement over the arrival of the newest Russo. The oldest Russo siblings were gathering things to stay the night in the hospital, waiting for the new arrival and keeping the youngest entertained. Wishes were being made by the family for a baby girl, the first girl in over four generations of Russo's. Bets were even being made between Giovanni, Lorenzo and Rocco on whether the baby would be a boy or a girl. All the boys were ready to be the best brother she ever had and protect them with their lives.

~At the hospital~

"Push once more, ma'am. You're almost there. One final push." the doctor said.

"I've been pushing for over an fucking hour. I'm in unimaginable pain and I swear to god if you don't do something I will... Aaaaahhhhh." And with that, Amelie gave one final push and our popped a beautiful baby girl. Tears flooded her cheeks as she wept with joy and admiration.

"Congratulations Mrs. Russo. You have a beautiful daughter."

However, something was deeply wrong. The pain from labour was not subsiding. She once again began screaming and writhing in pain.

The doctors shared worried glances, trying to find out what was wrong with the feared mafia queen. They made checks after checks, all whilst she was screaming out in pain, until one doctor realised something.

"Mrs. Russo. I-  I think you maybe having twins..."

~15 minutes later~

Two beautiful girls. The family was in tears and hysterics over the joyous news that the Russo family finally had a daughter. Not just one but 2. They couldn't be happier.

After the babies were checked and wrapped in blankets, being held in their mother's hands, the boys entered the hospital room.

Angelo and Matteo ran to their mother, trying to see if she was okay. Allesandro and Lorenzo tried to hold their younger siblings back, but they were too quick for them when they were carrying all the siblings' bags.

"Mama" exclaimed the four-year-old Matteo. "Where's is da babies. I did wish'd to see them but Sandy wasn't letting me." Matteo pouted with an adorable frown.

"Well, I have something to tell you all." She looked around the room at her husband and her sons. "Meet... Elena Genevieve Russo, born at 19:27, and Delilah Hale Russo, born at 19:42."

A chorus of gasps and coos were heard all around the room from the 8 boys.

"Can I hold one." Rocco whispered.

"No me first!" shouted Angelo.

"Hey no fair I'm older I wanna go first!" cried Lorenzo in outrage!

"Well actually, I think the first one should be Matteo." announced Amelie.

Protests were immediately heard around the room, each boy wishing to get a hold of their little sorellinas. "Why" "No fair" "Nu uh" were exclaimed all at once.

"Stop arguing and listen for one second!" Amelie exclaimed. All the boys were immediately as silent as a pin drop. Their mother could be a scary and lethal person, and even her glare made you not want to be on her bad side. "Matteo can go first since he helped when I went into labour earlier and he helped me name them."

Gasps were heard around the room. And Matteo inched closer ever so slightly.

"Come here my boy." Amelie said.

"But mama. What if I drop her?" exclaimed Matteo in worry. He did not want to hurt his little sorellina. He wanted to protect her from the world. Be her guardian angel.

"Don't worry you won't. I know you won't." And with that, Amelie handed him a cute bundle of joy. "Here's Elena, hold her like this, there you go, well done mon amore."

"And Sandy come here and hold Lila. I know you want to. You deserve to be first after all your help with the boys today. Mon petite angel is all grown up. I can't believe it anymore! 18 years old huh! So thank you for helping with them. I know how troublesome they can be. Come hold Lila!" (my little angel)

And with that, the oldest Russo sibling held the newly born in his arms, whispering sweet words of love to her.

Eventually, all the boys held their little sisters and whispered promises of being their favourite fratello. (brother)

Whilst their mother and father slept, the boys took turns keeping their babies company, cuddling them, cooing to them when they opened their precious eyes, and trying to be the best big brothers they could.

They were happier than they ever thought was possible. And all because of two tiny bundles of joy.

If only it could last...

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