Chapter 13: Screams And Shouts

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"We're all allowed to not be okay sometimes

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"We're all allowed to not be okay sometimes."


I try to make out who's in the room with me. Where even am I? All I here is a deep male voice, telling me to breathe. He pulls my hands away from my throat.

I want to scream why! Why did you do that? I need to breathe! Don't you understand? I can't breathe!

But I can't breathe.

And slowly...

...everything tilts

...and the world

...goes black...


I slowly blink my eyes, the fog clearing from them immediately.

I'm in... my therapists office?

Why am I lying on the couch?

It all comes rushing back to me at once. The panic attack, the thoughts, sneaking out, all of it.

To be honest, I'm not surprised in the slightest. This has happened a lot more often than you would think, just never in my therapy sessions.

You would then think that would mean I would know how to stop them by myself.

You would be very very wrong.

I'm not usually surprised by anything. What I am surprised about right now is a certain giant in my therapy session, shouting at my therapist, who in turn looks terrified.

"What's going on?" I ask, beginning to sit up on the leather couch I had passed out on.

"Lila. Here baby, take it slowly. Are you okay?" Alessandro immediately rushes over and helps me sit up, however after he's done that I push him away quickly.

"I'm fine." I reply coldly. "Why is he here? How is he here?" I ask my therapist, annoyed.

"Erm... I asked him to come after you started becoming unresponsive. I thought you would need some comfort and... well... he is your guardian. Legally he needs to come and pick you up after having an episode." She explains.

"And my second question?" I ask, still highly annoyed.

"Well... you see... as soon as the guardianship changed from your third oldest brother to this one... all the contact information in your file needed updating in case of emergencies, so his number was already there. But Lila, you need to understand, I had to do this, for your health and as part of the law." She hurriedly explained.

I eye him from the side of my head, feeling his gaze penetrating through my skull, boring into my soul. "That's bullshit. Utter bullshit." I cry out in annoyance.

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