Chapter 8: Back Again

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"I do a thing called what I want

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"I do a thing called what I want."


"No." I replied calmly and coldly. "You can try and find out where I was, but I can assure you that you won't be able to. And as for where I go, I don't need PERMISSION to go ANYWHERE! This is my life and my body and where I go concerns none of you. You gave up the right to care when YOU LEFT WITHOUT CONTACT! Things are different. So no. I will not tell you where I went."

With that, I stormed out.

He left me. They left me. They have no right to come back after all this time and pretend to care.

I won't do it again. I won't love someone and then have them betray me again. Because losing them is too painful. My walls are built up all around me and they won't come crumbling down. I. Will. Not. Break.

~Lila's POV~

Moving forward from a person is one of the hardest thing people can do.

To not only realise that you have to cut ties with a person that you once thought of so highly, but understand that you will never have the same relationship again, breaks you.

To have to do that to someone you truly love, may it be a sibling, family member or lover, kills you.

A piece of you dies that day. You break the ties. And it. Breaks. You.

I moved forward 3 years ago.

I was 12.

I cut ties with my oldest brothers 3 years ago.

I cut ties with ALL my brothers 3 years ago.

Now, it's been three days.

Three days since I've last seen my brothers.

Three days since I shouted at them and stormed out of the house.

Three days would've been nothing before the oldest showed up. Three days would have only been a portion of the time I would've stayed away. I wouldn't have even been THINKING of them. Yet here I am, thinking about those godforsaken brothers for the fifth time today.

What have I been doing since seeing them I hear you ask? I've thrown myself back at work, like always. Work takes up most of my time, my legal and illegal sides. My work at Hale Industries is vast already, running the multi-million dollar worldwide company as well as designing and creating new outfits for the new lines. Then, the illegal side also has work. I create and manufacture weapons and security equipment as well as other tech stuff. It's also a multi-million dollar company however it's away from the publics eye. Only the underworld know about it. On top of that, I have to keep up my regular social media appearances, dazzling the world with new surprise sneak-peaks of the new lines and modelling. My work never ends, meaning it's busy times like these where I don't even leave my office for days at a time. And this is one of those times.

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