Chapter 19: Lucy? Lucy Hale?

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"Two things are infinite; the universe an human stupidity; and I'm not so sure about the universe

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"Two things are infinite; the universe an human stupidity; and I'm not so sure about the universe."
-Albert Einstein


"Oh for fucks sake!" I shout. "I own a company, owned it for over three years now. And since I own it, I have to get to work. If you really want to find out what I do, which you should bloody already know considering I don't keep it a secret from everyone, you literally just need to get my name and figure it out! Now excuse me I've got to bloody go!"

"Make sure you're not back too late. And as soon as you are back, come to my office. We need to chat." Alessandro says as I've got my hand on the door knob.

I do an almost imperceptible nod before turning the handle and walking straight out, my heals clicking on the floor.

Shit another talk in his office?

The last one didn't go too well did it.

I climb into my car and speed out the drive, placing my shades over my eyes to shield them from the sun.

They're going to go fucking mental when they find out...

...And I can't wait.


(Lila's POV)

The engine of my car hums in my ears, the wind from the open windows rushing through my hair.

My dark tinted sunglasses shield my face from the incoming wrath of the suns beams.

At least someone is fucking happy.

I can't believe they didn't know?

What? How-? I mean?

I shake my head in confusion, trying to push the thoughts of the past few days out of my head.

I slow down as I see the red light coming. From my spot in my car, I hear the revving of a porche next to me. I turn my head and spot a group of four teenage guys, about 17 or 18, next to me in a bright red corvette.

"Like what you see? How about a little race. If we win, you spend the night with us. Come on, we'll show you a fun time." They smirk, with a cocky and suggestive smirk on their faces.

"And if I win?" I smirk back, a dangerous look on my face.

They only smile cunningly in return. "You won't, darling."

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