Chapter 26: Flying Fists But No Flying Fucks Given

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"I will never fit in

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"I will never fit in. That's one of my best qualities."
- Unknown

(Lila's POV)

The only response he gives is glaring at me harshly and lifting me off his lap by my underarms, like a child, and dumping me into the middle seat. Glaring at him in return, I am met with his harsh tone. "Put on your fucking seatbelt."

"Ask nicely." I reply, annoyed and crossing my arms across my chest.

What the actual fuck is wrong with me?

Little would I think at the beginning of this day that I would be on my way with my brothers to a restaurant for dinner, arguing over the front seat and almost being tickled to death over it.

"Hey you little shit. I'm you're fucking brother and I'm over 7 years older than you. Have some fucking respect." He says annoyed.

"Respect? RESPECT?" I shout.

And that is when all hell went loose...

(Lila's POV)

"What the fuck do you mean respect? Why the fuck should I respect you when you don't even give two shits about me?" I shout at him.

He turns in his seat to look at me, his breathing fast and eyes wide and red with anger. "Are you fucking deaf? I just said I'm 7 years older than you! That means I have power over you. You are my little sister, key word being LITTLE. Older siblings always get respect from their younger siblings. I'm older than you, wiser than you, I have more authority, more power, more of everything! So watch you're words carefully, little girl." He sneers down at me, towering over me with his huge frame.

"Alright that's enough!" Sandro booms from the front seat.

But his shouts fall on deaf ears.

Now I'm not gonna lie, I'm hella intimidated right now. I wouldn't usually be, but Elijah is double my size. I don't even think I can wrap my arms around one of his biceps.

But I guess I've gotta fake it till you make it right?

"You're such a fucking TWAT! You DON'T get respect just from those things. You may be older than me, you may be bigger than me, you CERTAINLY are NOT SMARTER than me, you may have more power in the house, but that DOES NOT mean I should respect you."

"And anyways, why should I respect someone who is so blatantly ignorant, so rude, so fucking selfish. Someone who only thinks of himself, someone who wrongfully accused a little kid of killing her parents and her twin. Someone who thinks his little sister was capable of that! And let's not forget, someone who is an ABSOLUTE FUCKING IDIOT!"

My breaths are getting shorter. My eyes wider.

Anger is flowing through my veins.

And there is so much anger.

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