Chapter 11: Two Truths And One Lie

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"The truth will set you free

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"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace


"Of course I care, Lila. I always care for you. Hell, I raised you! Why do you think I don't care? And, I'm now you're legal guardian so you have to listen to the rules! You cannot be sneaking out like this! What has gotten into you! You were never like this, so closed off and cold. What happened?" He replied calmly, still keeping up his blank face, but his tone and eyes reveal all his thoughts.

He's... worried?

Worried about me?

What the fuck is going on?


Truth is a dangerous thing.

They have the ability to shatter someone's life.

It can stem from a small truth, you thinking someone's new hair isn't nice, their shoes are ugly, etc.

But they can also grow into something much more catastrophic, truths in a jury about who is innocent and who is guilty, truths about how you feel about someone, truths about your family...

However, the reasons truths are so dangerous is because of their ability to become something else. Something worse...


Lies are the most dangerous of all. Convicting the wrongly accused, lying about who you are, breaking relationships apart...

So, as you can see, truths are dangerous.

Because over time, they can cause lies.

And lies and so much worse...

"The fuck do you mean? Of course you don't care about me! You left me here at 11 years old with no contact or nothing, not even a fucking letter! You then enter my life after 4 years and become my guardian again? What the fuck! And then you come back with all these fucking rules! I've not had rules for the past four years, no one on my back or anything! And I've been fine! I'm fine, okay! So leave me the fuck alone and get out of my life!" I scream.

He looks into my eyes , worry and curiosity filling them. "Wait wait wait. What are you talking about? No rules? How the hell did Enzo raise you? What was he doing?"

Now I'm confused. "Enzo raising me? No no no. He left me just like you did! They all did!" I reply.

"What the hell are you on about." I suddenly hear from the doorway.

I look up and am met by the faces of Giovanni and Lorenzo. Confusion is on both of their faces.

"Lila, I've done so much for you! I've tried to keep you safe and happy! I love you so much!" Lorenzo replies.

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