03 - Change of Heart

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I look at the four men in front of me, one of whom I recognize

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I look at the four men in front of me, one of whom I recognize. I drop my bag accidentally from the shock as I stare at them.

My mind can't wrap around how they got in and I don't know what to say. I just stand and stare at them, waiting for at least one of them to speak up.

And thank god, one did.

"Mi hija, it's good to see you out of that place."

As if what he said broke me out of my frozen state, I say, "Uncle, what the fuck are you doing here? You shouldn't be here! What if they were following me? They asked me if I helped you today, and I told them no, but what if they didn't trust me?" I start rambling, scolding him like a little kid.

He smirks and looks at the man to his right, the hot man. "Te dije que Ella es diferente."

-I told you she is different.

"Veo que," the hot man replies, adding a smirk of his own.

-I see that.

"What are you saying, you know I can't understand Spanish," I say, narrowing my eyes at Manuel and the other man.

"My hija, I apologize for intruding on your home, but I couldn't help but come here because the police are everywhere."

"I-It's okay...but what makes you think that they won't come here?" I ask, walking further into my apartment, and reaching the couch, finally sitting down.

"Look at you, you look innocent, no one will even suspect you," Manuel replies as he sits down and tells his men to sit as well.

"But it is still not safe. You have to be careful," I insist.

"Well, mi hija, is it okay if we stayed for two days?" he asks.

"Of course! You can stay as many days as you want."

"What about your parents or friends?" the hot man asks.

When Manuel used to visit my office, we mostly talked about my family. He didn't open much about himself, but he did tell me that he has a wonderful wife and two kids. I mostly talked about myself because he used to ask a lot of questions. I told him everything but never told him about the hospital incident. But he knew that my family never supported me working at the prison.

"I don't have any, don't worry."

"Where are they?" one of the other two men said. He has brown chestnut hair with blonde highlights. I would never dye my heart like that, but it looks so good on him.

"Cash!" Manuel scolds.

"It's okay..." I say. "They...well, we aren't close and I haven't seen them in six months. "Anyways, I have two extra bedrooms, you can stay there," I add, changing the subject.

"Thank you so much, Ana. Also, think about my offer, will you?" Manuel says.

"You're welcome, and I will." I smile and leave to my room but not before telling them goodnight.

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