14. Misión Cumplida

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It is times like this that I feel myself getting sad

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It is times like this that I feel myself getting sad. Whenever I hear my father speak on the television, I feel unlucky that I have him as a father.

My eyes land on his gray expensive suit he's wearing as he gives his speech. He is a powerful surgeon and politician. He retired two years ago and dedicated the rest of his life to being a politician. He claims that he wants to do a lot of things to the people from charity to building homes, etcetera.

I don't believe shit.

If a father treats his daughter like some skunk living in his house, then I don't think he cares about the people.

"I don't understand how a father could do this," Victoria says as she looks at the screen in a disapproving look. She's someone who cares deeply about family and I could tell from only her being here for a few days.

Rafael's phone rings. He takes it out and answers the call.

"Yes, Alex?"

"Good. Destroy it."

When he hangs up, he opens his mouth to say something, but Cash turns up the volume of the TV and my father's voice blasts through the room.

"New evidence soon will be surfaced. These four criminals will be brought to justice and I promise you all, that I will not be biased at all. Here's to justice!" My father's voice is strong and powerful, making me feel a little bit uneasy.

"Not gonna happen. Cash and Alex found the book and destroyed it," Rafael says.

"What if he made other copies?" I ask anxiously.

"Ana, your father is a politician."


He rolls his eyes and says, "He's not smart."

This makes me instantly laugh, making him smile a bit. Victoria and Manuel join me.

"Rafa, go to the warehouse and make sure all the shipments are going smoothly. I feel the men started to hold back after I came back," Manuel tells his son.

"Okay, father. There's also the deal with Roberto Sanchez. I will finish it with him today and start sending some shipments to his warehouse."

"Okay, son. Be careful."

When Victoria and Rafael left, I stayed behind to speak with Manuel. I was nervous to talk to him about this thing because I know he's a good person, but I just need to make sure of it. Besides, now that I am sitting in front of him, I became less nervous.

"Is there something bothering you, mi hija?" he asks as he sits on his chair, placing his arms on the table.

"Uncle...I just want to make sure that nothing...nothing illegal—killing wise, is happening here."

"Let me worry about that, Ana."

"Look, I know all of us here are killers...but it triggers me."

"I promise you that you will not be hearing about anything killing-related in this house."

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