31. Sweet

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"I want you, Ana. I want you and I am so sorry," I reply and hug her tightly.

I was so stupid to even think that I would let her go just because of my fear. I knew from the first time that I saw her that I needed her in my life. I love this woman and I could and would never let her go again.

She hugs me back and sobs silently.

"I am sorry, mi amor," I say as I caress her back.

"I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore."

"I could never not want you. I love you, Ana," I finally tell her, making her smile.

"I love you too, Rafa." She kisses me on the lips in a very gentle and heartfelt kiss.

Before anything escalates, we hear yelling from downstairs.

We run downstairs into the living room and see Alba yelling at Cash.

"Stop doing stuff for me! I know how to do everything!" she yells again, throwing her hands in the air for extra effect.

Cash stands frozen in his place as he looks at her in defeat. I know that look, that is a look of giving up. I won't be surprised if Cash gives up on his love for alba because she is not making anything easy for him, and she doesn't like him as he does.

"I am...sorry. I will never do anything again," he nervously replies as he fidgets with his fingers.

Her gaze softens once she looks at him again, but she does not say anything.

When he left, Ana and I walk to Alba to see what happened.

"What did he do?" Ana asks.

"He...he keeps doing stuff for me...it is annoying and I don't want it!" she angrily says.

"Sis, maybe he just wants to help-"

"I don't want his help!" she yells, breathing heavily and on the verge of crying.

"What is going on?" Dad asks as he comes down the stairs.

"Nothing, just a misunderstanding," I quickly say, not wanting to get Cash into trouble.

"Why are you crying, mi hija?" my dad asks Alba.

"N-Nothing, just on my period."

"Do you want me to get you food?"

Alba smiles and nods. "Thanks, dad."

When he left, Ana sits next to Alba, while I go and look for Cash.

I know how he feels, or at least I know a portion of how he feels. It sucks when you love a person that you can't have.

I find him sitting in the backyard, smoking. Cash hasn't smoked in years.

"Hey," I say, sitting beside him.


"Are you okay?"

He shrugs.

"Look, man, I might not know how you feel, but have you thought of confessing to her?"

"Rafa, what happened back there shows that she knows. She just doesn't like me back and I have to accept that."

He is right. Alba seems to have figured it out because it is so obvious that Cash likes her. Part of me wants it to work because he is the best guy I have ever known and because she deserves someone like him. He is a good man.

I pat his back and sigh, not saying anything else because I agree with him. But I also know Alba. She is hiding something and I am going to figure it out.

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