12. The Plan

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When I was ten, I told my parents that I wanted to become a doctor

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When I was ten, I told my parents that I wanted to become a doctor. They discouraged me, saying that it would take years to graduate to become one and that I should take an easier major because I am a girl. They wanted me to get married by the age of 25 because after that it would look bad for me and them.

When I grew up and it was time to go to university, I forced them to agree that I study medicine. They reluctantly did, thinking it would look good because my father was a surgeon as well.

When I finished early and started my residency, they kept telling me to get married to the point that my father brought his friend's son to meet me. I absolutely hated that arrogant jerk, Peter. He was annoying, self-centered, and haughty.

It wasn't until I finished my residency that my parents stopped forcing me to meet anyone else.

Working as a surgeon had been my dream, and still is. But I never thought that one day, I'd be killing instead of saving lives.

Killing on purpose.

"You need to elaborate more, mi hija," Manuel gently says, placing the fork and knife on the table and giving me his undivided attention. Everyone's attention is on me as they wait for me to explain.

"I told you...before in Vancouver," I say, not wanting to go deep into the matter, especially not in front of everyone.

"But we need to know what exactly happened so we could help you," Alex speaks this time.

"I killed someone," I blurt, shocking most of the people who didn't know, especially Victoria.

Victoria looks at me in disbelief as if she never thought that I am that kind of person. Alba doesn't look into my eyes, while the rest look normal.

"No one knows, not even the hospital."

"Why would you write a confession in a book?" Rafael asks.

"I didn't exactly write that I killed that man. I just wrote that it's my fault he's dead, which is basically the same thing. I wrote it in my book because I felt guilty and I couldn't tell anyone."

"Why? Why did you kill the man?" Victoria asks.

That's my secret and I never want to tell anyone. Besides, what if they didn't understand? What if they said that it wasn't enough to kill him? I don't even know these people, not even Manuel that much.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say, fidgeting my fingers in a nervous matter. I avoid looking at anyone, only hearing silence.

When I look up, my gaze landed on Manuel, who understood that I couldn't talk about it and nodded. "It's okay, we'll talk later. For now, we need to do something about that diary."

"Andrew." Rafael is the first to provide a solution that none of us understood.

"Andrew?" My voice comes out confused and bewildered.

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