06 - Omertà

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An hour later

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An hour later

"Are you sure we can trust her?" I ask my father, who is sitting behind his desk, smoking his awful-smelling cigar.

He looks up at me and frowns. "Yes, don't you?"

"I don't know her, dad. She was practically working for the police," I reply, moving my hands around and sitting on the chair in front of his desk.

"She is to be trusted, don't worry. Besides, she is also wanted by the police by now."

It's true. By now, the police is informed of our departure and her involvement in it. The good thing is that they could never find us here. This house is registered under my mother, who's registered as a single woman, with no kids.

She is currently visiting my grandparents in Spain and is coming next week.

"Did she make the right decision? And why would she help you in the first place?"

I have so many questions. I don't trust easily, especially when it has something to do with my family.

"Can I worry about Ana? Don't worry, son—anyways, how's everything going on with you and Carmen?"

Carmen. A name I loathe. We have been engaged for five long, agonizing months. Before my father got prisoned, he asked me to marry his friend's daughter so our mafias get stronger. I said no at first because I hated the idea of marriage and kids, but after thinking about it, I agreed. I would do anything for my father even if I had to marry a woman I don't love. I am not mad at him because I know he wants to see me happy, but I didn't have to get engaged and married to be happy. That's what he doesn't understand.

"Not good," I simply reply.

"Why? What happened?"

What didn't happen?

"Dad, her and I, we don't work. She's too clingy, gets jealous a lot, and only cares about what brand she wears. I don't want to be married to a woman like her."

He sighs in frustration, making me feel guilty about confessing what's been bothering me.

"Stay with her for another month, if she didn't change and you couldn't stay with her, I'll speak with Lionel."

"Thanks, dad."

"I am sorry for forcing you to get married to her," he says.

"You didn't force me, dad. Don't worry about it."

I don't do good with emotions. I was never in a relationship before and even when I was younger, I was very cold, despite my mother's attempts to make me feel something.

I was and still am a cold person.


I don't know.

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