26. Celebrations & A Tragedy

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We have been celebrating since yesterday. The news of Manuel's innocence shocked the entire city and he finally could go out freely.

On the other hand, cash, Alex, and I will never get freedom. At least, that is what I believe. Cash and Alex are still wanted for escaping and I am still wanted for helping them. Yes, technically they escaped with Manuel, which makes him an aider, but is there proof that he told them to escape? Or that they know each other? No.

"Cheers to a new beginning!" Victoria holds her glass of juice up as she does not drink alcohol anymore. No one does in this house anymore. Like Victoria said, 'Alcohol is the cause of unhappiness.'

That is her opinion and everyone has the right to have one. I agree with her too. Everyone in this house does.

We raise our glasses and then drink. I know it is not a new beginning for anyone because we still have an enemy to chase, Ricardo, but still. For now, we don't have to deal with him since he is in Italy, but I feel that he is going to come to Spain very soon and that is when Rafa and the rest will capture him.

Don't chase the enemy, wait till they come to you.

And Ricardo will come to us.

"We need to go somewhere and celebrate," Alba says, making me and the brothers to frown.

"They are still under the radar," Rafa replies for us.

"Well, it is easy to go undercover. We have always done it," she replies with a shrug.

"Okay, but we can't do it now. All eyes will be on me," Uncle replies, earning nods from everyone around the room.

"You are right, honey. We can always do that later. Let us just celebrate here tonight," Victoria says with a warm smile, trying to please everyone, especially her daughter.


I take Alex and Cash on the side, not wanting to ruin the celebration vibes in the living room with work.

The three of us have been trying to find Ricardo's exact location because I am planning to finally take him out. But I need to plan it very well before doing anything because I will not just sit here and wait for him to come to Spain. He is a coward, someone who will never show his face in front of us, not since my father is back. At least, that is what I hope he is.

"Any news?" I ask, looking at both of them.

Alex speaks first. "From the data I last collected, he is still in Italy."

"We will keep looking, man, don't worry," Cash assures me, patting my shoulder.

"We have to. I can't live like this knowing that he is still out there. I have given him a free pass for almost two years and it is not going to go any longer."

"You are right. We will make sure he is captured soon," Alex replies with a nod.

We go back to the living room and I join my girlfriend, wrapping my right arm around her shoulder and giving her a million's dollar smile. She smiles back at me and pecks my lips quickly, so no one notices.

Suddenly, the door bell rings and Cash gets up to open. After a minute or so, Andrew walks in behind Cash to the living room.

"Hello, honey!" my mother hugs Andrew, making me feel utterly jealous. I narrow my eyes at her and she smiles sheepishly at me.

"I love you, honey," she mouths at me, making me smile.

Andrew hugs everyone and when he reaches Ana, they awkwardly hug fast and he sits next to her on the other side.

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