23. Finding Truth pt. 1

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Disclaimer: I was mistaken before when I said they moved to Ibiza because I got confused thinking they are in Spain. They are still in Canada and moved to Cape Breton Island, Canada.


I hum as I listen to what she is saying. She is telling me about her late dog, Doug, who played a big role in protecting her from her abusive father. I did not know that she lived in abuse to this extent. Her father is an ass and I will do everything in my power to find him and hand him to the authorities. I will also do everything in my power to clear my father's name. I want us to live a normal life, and be able to go out without fearing the government.

"One time, I didn't do well in my final exams in biology at university. My father was ready to take out his belt and hit me with it, but Doug snatched the belt from him and barked at him. It helped by postponing the punishment, but it did not eliminate it. I was hit later that day when my father locked Doug in one of the rooms."

"Doug sounds like the man," I say, trying to shift the conversation from her father.

"He was...I really miss him. He was there for me when even my brother wasn't," she scoffs, making my heart squeeze a little.

I take her hand in mine and squeeze a little, showing her that I am here for her. "Ana, look I don't want to defend Andrew, but he really cared for you and still does. He just wanted to protect you from all the mafia shit."

"Did he? Did he protect me? I would rather get mixed up with this mafia shit than get beaten by my father just because I was not as perfect as his real kids."

"You are right," I finally say, pulling her to my chest and hugging her.

Andrew is one of my best friends. We met in college back in the day, but I never knew a lot about his family. He took a bullet for me and I will forever trust him. I respected that he didn't want to tell us about his family. I wouldn't want to tell anyone about my family if mine was like his. His parents and other sister were crazy.

"Anyways, would you like to do something?" she asks, biting her lips and driving me crazy.

"Something like what?" I smirk, leaning close to her and looking at her cleavage.

"You pervert! Something like watching a movie," she replies, slapping my arm gently.

"You are no fun," I say with a pout.

"I know, but you still like me," she says.

"That you're right," I reply with a smile.

We sit on my bed and open my laptop. It is midnight and the only thing that I want to do at this moment is spending time with her.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask.

"Are you up for something like Pride and Prejudice?" she asks.

"I will watch anything you want to," I reply.

"Okay, thank you," she shyly replies.

I grab her chin and press my lips, stealing a quick kiss. "You should know that from now on, you are mine and I am yours, Si?"

She shyly looks down and nods, not trusting her words.

The movie starts and we cuddle together as we watch.

Waking up next to Ana and sleeping beside her, in general, was one of the best things I experienced. For the first time ever, I don't get nightmares of the day my father was taken by the police because of Ricardo.

"Good morning," I say as soon as I see her wake up.

"Good morning." She smiles, stretching her arm. "This is the best sleep ever."

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