36. To Be Continued

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That was the place we wanted to run to when everything happened.

The reason Rafael and his family are thinking of moving is that it is much easier for Rafa to continue his mafia business there.

Yes, there will be many gangs and mafias, but Rafael already has a great relationship with the Mexicans.

Manuel and Victoria are thinking of moving somewhere else, somewhere like the United States. The only reason that is because they know they will be safe there, especially since they have allies.

They also want a peaceful life away from all the action happening in the mafia.

Alba and Cash decided to tag along with us. Alba is still scared of the relationship she has with Cash but is trying her best to not be. I do feel that at some point she is going to be happy and safe, but she is pushing Cash and everyone back a little bit without even realizing.

I just want her to be happy because she deserves it after everything she has been through.

"Do you think we are moving fast?" Rafael asks me as he laid on the bed with his arm above his forehead.

"Moving fast with out? Our relationship?!" I kind of yell, but not the angry yelling. The sweet high-pitched yell.

"No, mi amor. I mean moving fast to Mexico."

"Oh," I reply, acting normal as if I didn't have a mini heart attack a few seconds ago. "Well, I think that it's a long time due. We have to leave this place at some point, Rafa. It's not safe anymore, especially when the police might still be having an eye for us and looking for Cash. Yes, he changed his name and look, but he will be safer there."

"You are right, my love. What would I do without you?" He says, getting up from the bed and hugging me from the back.

"You'd be lost and broken."

"Shut up," he playfully says, removing his arms from around me and pushing me forward a little but in a playful manner.

I laugh loudly with him joining me, but again, he puts his arms around me.

"You're right," he replies. "I can't do shit without you."

"True." I giggle. "Anyways, we need to pack for Mexico."

"You're going to love the new house," he says with a grin.

"Our?" I grin back.

"Yup, Cash and Alba won't live with us."

"Where will they live then?"

"I don't know...either together or separately."

"Do you think Alba is pushing him away?" I ask.

"I do, you?"

"I do."

"I hope she doesn't do something stupid," he says, shaking his head.

"I don't think so. She loves him a lot. I can see that."

"I see too, but I know my sister. I just hope I am wrong."

The next day, Victoria and Manuel left the country. Alex

Alex is still missing, Cash and Alba are okay for now, Andrew decided to go back to go back to his house in Vancouver. He will visit us later in Mexico, but he had to go back to his house.

All four of us got ready to fly in Rafael's private jet. We had so many suitcases, most of them were Alba's. Rafael too. Only Cash and I had one or two suitcases.

Poor us.

"Alba, you, okay?" I ask her when I saw her scowling.

"Yeah...I just don't want to go."

"Trust me, me too."

"It is going to be so weird in Mexico. We don't know anyone, and we are suddenly going to live there," she explains, not liking the idea of going there without a plan.

"Trust me, I feel we are going to love it there. We get to meet new people and eat new food," I reply passionately.

"I hope so. I just feel it is weird to live normally, you know?" she voices her thoughts.

"I agree. We got used to the action in our lives."

"Exactly! Besides, I am 100% sure there will be a lot of action in Mexico, especially if Rafael started working with the Mexican mafia."

"Well, he did say that he has a good relationship with them, so I guess, he will," I reply with a shrug.

"I hope so. There only person I know there is Tatiana. She is one of my childhood friends. She works for the Mexican mafia, mostly as a driver."

"That's cool!"

"It is. That's the only thing I like about their mafia and that's gender equality within the organization. Even Rafa as a leader, he made sure everyone had equal rights and the right to work what they want or need. Tatiana didn't have another choice but to work as a driver. It was the only thing she knew how to do at the time. Luckily for her, Sebastian, the leader of the mafia, allowed her to be his driver," she explains.

"That's nice. I hope this thing happens everywhere."

"Me too."

Two days. That is how long it took us to unpack, or that is how long it took Alba and Rafa to unpack and put all their stuff in the closet. They had so many things with them, more than Cash and I combined. They are crazy for new clothes, especially Alba.

"Finally!" she screams as she fell back on the bed with a huff.

"I can't believe you got all of this," I say in a disappointed voice.

"Oh, please, I am emotionally attached to everything."

"I see," I reply.

"I wish I am living with you," she said with a pout.

"Well, you have Cash," I say.

"But he is not you."

"I'll visit often, I promise," I say with a grin.

Cash had a scowl on his face after he heard what Alba said about me.

"Okay, but video call me every day!" she yells before I stepped out of her apartment.

"I am only 30 minutes away!" I yell back and closing the door behind me.

This girl...is something else.

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