24. Finding Truth pt. 2

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"I can't believe you found it," I say in disbelief as I look at the screen.

"It took about 5 hours without break to find it, but I finally did. It was hidden deep in the database as if someone made sure no one could find it," Mia replies with a triumphed look.

"No one but you, I guess," I reply with a grin.

Relief washes over knowing that I will finally free my father with this video. We tried so hard to find the video, but lost hope when we couldn't find anything about that night.

"How are we going to deliver it?" River asks.

"I feel it is best for Uncle Manuel to deliver it himself," Mia suggests.

5 Hours Earlier

I went back back and waited till Mia and River to find the video I was looking for.

I found Alba and Ana sitting together with Cash and Alex in the game room. The guys were playing FIFA, while the girls are talking and eating snacks. I could tell they were gossiping about the guys, mainly Cash.

Just a feeling.

"Hey," I said, making myself known.

"Hey," they all replied at the same time.

I sat beside Ana and wrapped one arm around her shoulder. "How are you?" I whispered to her ear.

She smiled and said, "Good, and you?"

"Good. I have missed you."

"Me too...you were gone for hours. Did you find the thing you were looking for?" she asks, her features turning serious.

"Soon. They are on it," I replied.

"How are Mia and River?" Alba asked sympathetically.

"They are still not okay, but doing their best and moving on. They are trying for a baby again."

"Really?!" Alba squealed, excited to finally hear that they are finally trying again.

"What happened with them, if you don't mind me asking?" Ana asked nervously.

"They lost their baby last year. It was a very hard time for them," I explained to Ana.

"Oh..." Ana mumbled, drifting to a past memory because she suddenly focused on the table in front of her and thought hard.

"Are you okay?" I asked, caressing her cheek.

She looked up at me and smiled weakly. "Yeah...I just remembered the day my parents adopted me. It was the happiest day of my life..."

"This is your family now, Ana. You should know that I, no we, love you so much," I said with a serious face.

"Thank you, Rafa." She pecks my lips, causing Alba to gasp.

"When the fuck did you both get together?" she yelled enough for the guys to hear. Cash turned around and said, "Now, you realized?"

"I didn't! I saw," she said.

"We kind of got together yesterday," Ana said shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"This is a scandal! This is...is...I am mad at you for not telling me!" Alba pointed at Ana.

"I was shy, Alba, you know me..."

Alba looked at her with narrowed eyes then at me, and said, "Fine, I'll let it go this time, but I swear if you get pregnant and I am not the first person you tell, I will kill you!"

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