part 11

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Manik's pov

I looked outside the window fisting my hands trying to control myself. I can hear her sobs and I feel so pathetic that I can't do anything to stop her.

I know I gave her a choice but I hope she chooses me. I know I'm being selfish but what can I do when I rarely get this kind of person in my life?

I can't lose her but again, I can't live doubting her all my life. It takes everything in me to control myself from not grabbing her hard towards me and kiss her till eternity and never let her cry.

That bastard Madhyam, he will definitely pay for everything he did to her. I know that it's only a facade he keeps in front of her because I know the other side of him and how fake he is with her.

I wish I can show her in a snap which I can actually do but I don't want her to get her heartbroken all over again and cry that she choose a wrong person from starting.

I don't even know what is running in her head. My mobile pinged bringing me out of my trance and I slid the unlock button and entered the password and it showed the home screen before another message popped up again.

Frowning, I opened the messages. They are from Abhimanyu.

"Girls are coming to your house so that Nandini won't feel awkward with everyone around her." I mentally thanked him for doing this.

I don't think I can talk to her until I get to know her decision. I want her to be on her word when she gets down of the car. Only if she actually plans to do that.

I know even if she got down after sometime, that would be because for her family. I may own her body and can never own her heart. I don't want her like that.

If I want her, I want to love her with everything in me, I want to love every single cell of her body, heart, soul and everything she is. If I hold her hand in mine for once, I'm not letting it go forever no matter what.

I saw the other message from Dhruv "we tied up Madhyam in our farmhouse that is away from the city with two guards and a chef and Mukti helped us a lot. In kicking him or shutting him up so be careful with her. She might shut anyone out" with some crying and scared emoji.

I almost snorted at that but covered it clearing my throat. I replied both of them with an okay and turned off the screen and looked outside.

This day was supposed to be so memorable for life time and it's not even few hours we got married and I have more insecurities than my age. God save me.

I gave her a tissue from the tissue box and she took it silently, not at all looking at me. Ouch that hurts. Was I too harsh? But that was needed.

She needs to have clarity before stepping into something. And this is not a game to back off and she has to know that.

Once stepping in, we have to be with eachother for lifetime and I can't spend my whole life thinking whether I took her away from her love or I'm forcing her on my decisions or ruling her.

I don't want that. I'm possessive about my loved ones but I won't rule them. I want her to be willing to be with me. Not because she has to be but because she wants to.

I need her consent before taking any step for this marriage and this will say Everything. If she steps down the car, there is no looking back.

If she doesn't, I'll make sure she'll be treated well by her family. Loving someone isn't a crime and they are treating her like a criminal until I know.

Even on the day of our roka, I saw how her brother was keeping his hand on her shoulder forcing her to sit, smile completely fake and I didn't know what happened that day.

But later she herself told me that she doesn't wants to marry because she loves someone. I loved her honesty and confidence at that very moment.

Even if her parents pointed her wrong, she stood up at her words. He was impressed at her attitude. Take no shit attitude. That's what attracted me in the first place.

But she is an emotional person too. That's what makes me more fascinated about her. But I'm scared about her reaction regarding Madhyam when she gets to know his truth.

I shook my head, not wanting to let those worst thoughts get me. Let's see what happens. I know I'm not good at sweet fake words. But I know I just have to speak my heart out and that's what I do.

My mobile buzzed again making me sigh in annoyance. Why everyone are hell bent on blasting my mobile today? I swiped the green button to right and kept the mobile on my ear waiting for the other person to speak.

"Sir" the voice came out hesitant making me frown at the tone.

"Yeah Piyush?" I tried to talk normally so as not to scare her.

"Sir Mr Mehra cancelled the deal" he said in a low voice making my anger reach its peak.

"Bloody hell Piyush" I shouted and I felt her flinch beside me.

Fisting my right hand tightly, I told calmly, much calmer than before after taking a deep breath "Piyush I'll talk to you tomorrow. It's my marriage today damn it. Even the president of the Country won't work on his marriage" and cut the call.

The car stopped and I didn't realise we reached the mansion by now.

Sighing I told her "just think twice before you do something. There is no room for 'undo' " and opened my door and got down before closing the door leaving my bandanna with her lehengas joint inside the car.

I stretched my arms before walking to her door and stood a few feet away from there.

I stood there folding my hands waiting for her to come out. My heart was beating so fast in my chest that I am sure whole country can hear how loud it is beating.

I fisted my hands on my either sides, trying to control the panic that was building inside me. I can't even see what's happening inside because the glasses are tinted and I'm so going to change them tomorrow. I can die out of anxiety if this happens.

I turned my back to the car. That's it. Now she won't come........ Maybe that is why my heart hurts. Like this is the last day. Even breathing seems hard now even though it's involuntary. I suddenly started to feel like I'm the one bearing the weight of whole world on my shoulders and it's getting heavy.

I was about to take a step forward when I heard the car door getting opened and turned back to find her looking at me with a pout and her ear ring in her hand. My feet got their own brain as they walked to her and stood infront of her seating posture.

"What happened?" I asked softly knowing she is mine now. My heart is bursting with happiness that I can't express it in words. Could 9? Naah it's on cloud 99.

She showed me her ear ring and turned her head to a side and I smiled like an idiot. She wants me to keep it perfectly like I removed it carefully.

Kis kisko heart attack aaya?🤣🤣🤣

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