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"Careful," Nandini hissed for the sixth time when Aryaman picked up the scissor, making me laugh.

"Nandini Malhotra, I know you love your husband, but I need to do my work, and I know how and he is not going to get hurt" Aryaman almost groaned frustratingly, making her embarrassed.

A chuckle escaped my lips but stopped in the middle. Love?

"Shut up, he is just quiet and being polite. If he gets hurt, I'm stabbing you with the same scissor" She muttered, making my heart flutter. She turned so protective after my hand got cut.

"Calm down tigress, he is not getting operated on, I'm just removing stitches. You are giving me anxiety" I pressed my lips together at Aryaman's reply.

"Careful" Nandini muttered. He threw a glare at her while she rolled her eyes. She sat on the couch beside me while Aryaman was sitting in front of me on a stool with whatever scissors and all the things needed.

"How do you even bear her overprotective nature Manik?" His dramatic tone made me smile.

"It's an honour to have her all for myself" I winked at her, and her cheeks turned red instantly.

Aryaman smiled and started removing my stitches carefully, and my hand unconsciously grabbed hers, who pressed it lightly as if assuring me. I can't believe this woman is so cute and all mine.

She got a call, shuffled in her bag to take her mobile, and a frown formed on her face. Lifting the call, she stood up leaving my hand as she went out of the room to talk while my eyebrows shot up.

"Don't worry, and it's definitely Navya or Mukti who are going to either tease her or embarrass her or ask about the exams" Aryaman chuckled at my sudden change in mood, and I instantly felt relief flooding through my veins.

"Thanks" I replied. He nodded his head, examining my hand.

"Manik, I have to say something to you though" He whispered like he was going to say some secret and I nodded my head, curiosity getting the best out of me.

"Nandini, there is a part of her that she doesn't remember about a few days in her life and-" He was about to continue when the door opened, revealing my wife who glanced at us before shoving her mobile in  her pocket.

I wondered what Aryaman meant. Forgot a few days in her life? Like no idea? I wanted to ask him more but seeing that he won't talk infront of her, I shut my mouth and turned to Nandini who was sitting quietly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Girls want to have group study and they are threatening me they'd tear my hall ticket if I don't go with them and Mukti took mine with her" She whined making me chuckle.

"Ask them to come to the office then, I think my room would be enough for you guys" I suggested and she shook her head.

"Alia's house. She is stubborn and won't hear anyone" her reply made me sigh. Can't a man have his wife alone for himself?

"You want to go?" I asked and she nodded her head quietly but I could see the conflict in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I whispered slowly.

"I want to be with you too" her reply warmed my heart. What's more satisfying than hearing your wife say she wants to spend time with you even after you were clinging to her for like a whole week?

"Let's do one thing, I am going to be really busy for at least first half of the day, so why don't you study with your friends until then? I promise I'll pick you up by four, you can spend time with me and them too" I replied, kissing her forehead as Aryaman walked to his table and grabbed his notepad.

Her eyes twinkled with happiness and she nodded her head excitedly. I smiled at her even though I wanted to ask her to not leave me but then I don't want her to just be with me avoiding her friends.

"No infections, no nothing, everything is fine, that's a progress Manik, you did well, now you can work happily" Aryaman's words made me grin.

After talking to him for a while and taking medicines and paying the payment, we left the hospital as Nandini set Alia's address in the gps and kept quiet, making me frown.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked softly.

"I don't know, I just don't feel right" her reply confused me.

"What?" I asked again.

"It feels like something is going to happen Manik, like something wrong," she said and kept her hand on her heart, trying to calm her heartbeat.

"Nandini, what feels wrong?" I asked, trusting her instincts.

"I don't want to leave you" She said, her voice filled with stubbornness. I chuckled.

"I told you meri jaan, I'll pick you up in four, just five hours, you'll be fine. You can't concentrate when you are around me now, you will get worried, and your first exam is in six days. Please" I said, my voice gentle.

She kept quiet.

"Nandini, your career is important. It's just five hours and you can text me or call me if you feel anything is wrong and I'm leaving Roy and Mike with you" I explained to her. If she is not feeling good, I am going to make sure she's fine but I'm sure if she is with her friends, she is going to be fine but I'd leave guards with her.

I stopped the car in front of Alia's house and turned to my now grumpy wife.

"Come to me" I grabbed her hands, pulling towards me as I hugged her. Her small hands went around my torso, holding me tightly as if she was losing me that started building panic in me now.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you I promise, the office is just ten minutes away from here and I'm leaving guards here, Mukti, Navya and Alia will be here too. I'm just a call away but I want you to concentrate on studies now" I said, caressing her hair softly.

"Manik" She whimpered.

"Nandu'' Mukti's high pitched voice made her flinch. I kissed her forehead for a few extra moments before letting her go.

"Take care of her, even if she has a single scratch on her, I'm going to tear all your hall tickets" I warned Mukti as we got down.

"Aye aye captain" Mukti said sarcastically before Nandini got down quickly and ran inside without even bidding me bye.

"Don't worry Manik, we are here" Alia said, grabbing Nandini's bag.

I  nodded at her before leaving for my office, my heart suddenly heavy and painful.

Is it because she left without seeing anything or the way she uttered my name last time? Even after half an hour after I reached the office, my heart didn't calm down.

"Damn" I groaned. I'm not able to concentrate. Bad idea Manik, you should have brought her with  you instead. Having her nag over you for being careless while working is much better than having this unknown feeling.

I tried working for an hour, that's bullshit I can't do it anymore. Just then, i got up to get my wife back.

"Manik" Abhimanyu's yell made me almost jump in my place as my cabin door bursted with a bang and he entered, followed by the four girls and my gaze went to Nandini who looked like she was crying and I stood up instantly, my heart thinking about what might have happened that made her cry.

NEVER IN A FOREVER (Manan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin