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I glanced at my wife who was trying her best to control the smile that was threatening to break as she tried studying.

I kept my laptop on the table in front of me as I shifted closer to her. Her eyes stayed on me for a fleeting moment before she turned her gaze to books as her cheeks turned red. Cute. It's that kind of cute where you want to gobble her up.

I noticed the book she was reading, a smile pulled on my lips. I bit my lip, knowing what I'm going to say already.

"What are you studying?" I asked, folding my hands as I leaned back, looking relaxed while she looked startled.

"English" she muttered, her eyes looking at the book like it made some sense.

"Then why does your book say 'business management' and why does it look upside down?" I asked, trying to control my laugh.

She looked at me with wide eyes before she turned the book and looked at it before realising I was right. Her cheeks turned more red if possible that made me burst into laughter.

God, she is so cute. And a bit crazy too. But mine.

I shook my head in disbelief as I tried to control my laugh as I saw her pouting. She stuffed her book on her face, completely blocking my face and that just made me chuckle once more.

She made a whining sound as I pressed my lips together to control whatever the chuckle that was going to come out.

I bent down slightly and held her feet before pulling them to my side, settling her legs over my lap with a smile.

"Manik" she squealed, her book falling into her lap as she got startled again. She adjusted herself, her back leaning to the sofa's arm.

"Mrs Nandini Manik Malhotra, if you keep writing letters like this, I'd start to think you started liking me already" I said with a smug look, a smirk on my lips.

"And I'd say you thought right about it" she winked back, shaking her head as she picked up her book in the correct way, adjusting her feet on my lap comfortably.

And I was stunned at her reply. And the kitten is mischevious too. Why am I surprised? She is full of them anyway.

"Quit staring Malhotra, or I'd start to think you started liking me" she used my own words against me, that made my heart flutter.

"I thought I was past my liking stage" I replied, my stubborn smirk didn't want to leave my face just yet.

"Manik, quit teasing me" She whined again. I couldn't waver the smile on my face as I kept a soft cushion on her feet before keeping my laptop on them as I continued to work, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

Her words kept ringing in my head the entire time I was working, a wide smile falling on my lips randomly as I could even feel her stare sometimes.

Two hours passed and we didn't knew when the time passed. I could see her losing her attention to the book but I didn't disturb her, giving her space as she thought about the things that happened today.

"You want to take a stroll in the garden?" I asked, putting the laptop aside, I did my work better than I thought as she was by my side, worry didn't fill my heart, knowing she can't be harmed in my presence.

"Uh- no, but I want coffee" She said, closing her book with a yawn, rubbing her eyes like a baby.

"Which one?" I asked as I grabbed my mobile to call Piyush to get it for us.

"No, let's go and drink in the cafeteria" her eyes twinkled and suddenly, she didn't look sleepy anymore.

"Why? Someone would get us" I muttered when she kicked off the pillow that was on her legs as she shifted closer, keeping her head on my shoulder.

I smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she nestled in my neck.

"Manik, just because they work under you doesn't mean they have to do every chore of yours" I could feel her frown and pout already as I kissed her head.

"But I pay them right?" I asked.

"You don't pay everyone for getting you coffees so let's go get them" She whined at the end.

"Why would you want that?" I asked curiously.

"You need to interact with your employees Malhotra, they looked so scared when I Abhi was dragging me, " she said as I smoothened my hand over her hair.

"They don't look scared, they are scared. They work for me and they respect me" I said, not understanding her point.

"Manik, respecting you and getting scared of you are two different things, that creates unwanted pressure in their heads" She said softly, pecking my cheek as she untangled herself from me.

"Your usual black coffee?" She asked, her face scrunched in annoyance. I chuckled, knowing how much she hates it. She tried it once for me and ended up spitting it and had almost three chocolates to subside the taste of chocolates, doing it wantedly just because she wanted to eat more chocolates. She is such a tease sometimes.

I nodded my head in eyes, stretching my arms as I shrugged off my coat, grabbing my mobile when I heard her muttering 'grumpy Malhotra' as she closed the door behind her.

I chuckled, throwing my mobile aside when her own mobile pinged, that made me shake my head, she forgot her mobile again. This woman of mine, she is going to be death of me some day.

I grabbed her mobile and stuffed it in my pocket, just to piss her off when she came back.

I continued to scroll through my mobile mindlessly, waiting for her.

Half an hour passed and she isn't still back. Fear gripped my heart, thinking something might have happened to her, knowing she didn't even take her mobile with her.

Damn I should have gone behind her. I clutched my mobile in my hand as I walked out of my cabin after closing the door carefully as I walked to the cafeteria, hoping she'd be there.

"Sorry sir, but madam didn't listen to us" one of my staff from the cafeteria apologised, looking scared that I might fire him. If my wife is hurt, his fear is going to be real.

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