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“Come on Manik, not again” I groaned, tapping my foot impatiently.

“Nandini Yaar, sorry, it’s really urgent” Manik made an apologetic face.

“Bhabhi, come I’ll drop you, he can pick you up while you are getting back” Dhruv said, grabbing my book and ID card from the couch.

“Dhruv not you too” Manik said, irritatedly.

“Manik shut up, exam is important to her, you can continue with your meeting, I’ll drop bhabhi, you can pick her up, if the examiners won’t let her attend exams, she is going to waste an year doing nothing and I’m not hearing you, continue with your damn meeting” Dhruv glared at his brother as he held my hand and took me out.

I agreed and went with him, knowing my exam can’t be postponed. I’m not up for any taunts from my parents again.

“It’s okay Bhabhi, don’t worry, he understands, he is just cranky for god knows what” Dhruv gestured to me to sit in the passenger seat as he opened the door for me.

“I know Dhruv, it’s just I’m not understanding what is up with him” I sighed, grabbing my books and ID card as he shut the door and walked to the driver’s seat.

“It’s really okay bhabhi, exam is important” Dhruv said gently, starting the car and speeding up instantly.

I just stared at the pages in the book, my mind wandering around the behaviour of Manik which is so weird for three days.

Today is my last exam [ yay me ] and the last exam was four days ago, god knows why we got this much of a gap but who cares when it’s last today?

Manik is unusually possessive and too overprotective, like if I’m not in front of his eyes, I’d vanish and would never come back.

It is taking a toll on everyone and well, no one is telling me what is happening and that’s so frustrating. I’m trying to be as calm as possible, knowing he would blast any moment and I need to be calm for him.

All my exams went amazingly, me and Mukti managed to dodge combined studies. Alia tried to arrange again and avoided her as much as possible.

He almost suspended a guy from his office who got us lunch because he almost touched my hand. I mean what the hell?

I just hope he talks about what is bothering him after today’s exam. I'm dreading for the answers but truth is better than living in a fake bubble.

“Bhabhi have a xanax please, your breaths are going out of control” Dhruv panicked, handing me my pills.

Manik made sure every Malhotra had those calming pills, just in case he wasn’t with me. And this is what I needed at this moment.

Grabbing a pill from its bottle, I gulped it with some water and closed my eyes and my breaths got normal, making me sigh.

Calm down Nandini. You got this. It’s okay. Manik is fine and so are you. He stopped the car in the parking lot and I realised I’ve been in my thoughts the entire ride that instantly made me feel guilty.

“I’m sorry” I said to Dhruv, he became a little brother and good friend to me, who keeps me company when Manik drowns himself in meetings sometimes.

Playing Shuttle with him is another kind of buzz and habit I developed this week, with songs in the background and teasing each other.

“It’s fine Bhabhi, don’t be sorry, All the best for your exam and you are going to do it well, you still have twenty minutes for your exam and- woah Abhimanyu is here” my head instantly snapped to where he was pointing his finger and before I knew, I was out of the car, running to my brother.

“Abhi” I mumbled shakily, hugging him tightly.

“There baby doll, you are completely fine. I’m here” He said gently, wrapping his hands around me as he kissed my head, a feeling of protection wrapped over me.

“I miss you” I muttered, tightening the hug. Being in his embrace makes me want to cry, nothing like the embrace of an elder brother I swear.

“I missed you more, how are your exams going?” He asked, his voice so gentle and I actually bursted into tears this time.

“Hey, what’s wrong princess? Are you okay? Did something happen? Are you fine?” He shot questions as his fingers ran through my hair, his body providing all the comfort I needed.

I shook my head, hiding myself in him.

“She is overwhelmed Abhi, exam stress and Manik has been on edge for three days and I think that is disturbing her” Dhruv admitted the truth, instead of lying or covering up.

“I’ll take you out on a date this sunday alright? Only you and me, no parents and no work calls. Now stop crying, you look like Annabelle when you cry” Abhimanyu teased at the end.

I elbowed his stomach, breaking the hug. He wiped my tears and kissed my head.

“It’s going to be okay, it might be related to business, if you feel like you can’t take it, I’m here to hear you okay?” He asked softly, giving me a chocolate from his pocket.

I nodded my head as my tears stopped and took a bite, offering some to both the men who are shadowing me from both sides.

“Time’s up Nandu, we need to get into class” Mukti popped up out of nowhere. Giving my book to Dhruv who wished me luck, I thanked him and Abhi who promised to take me on a date and hugged me for the last time, I left with Mukti to our exam room, feeling a crack inside my chest suddenly, not understanding what it meant.

“Are you okay?” Mukti nudged me as we entered the classroom.

“I’ll be” I said, determined as I sat in my seat and took a deep breath, the xanax and chocolate working to calm me down.

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