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I blew a frustrated breath as I looked at her state. She cried. Her puffy eyes and red nose say that.

Even though she still looks cute, the broken look in her eyes is stirring my heart.

I walked to her as she stood at the last stair at the bottom, looking at me with her dove-shaped eyes. I raised my hand and caressed her cheek with my knuckles softly and looked at her.

"Go complete your packing, and we are going to leave. Let me talk to them, and I'll let you talk too, but take a few minutes for yourself and calm down for a moment" I said patiently while she looked hesitant.

I pressed my lips on her forehead, bending to her height, and mumbled, "for maa please."

Her eyes instantly snapped to me but she nodded her head quietly. I gestured for her to leave while she bit her lip, looking down making me frown.

"Try to be a bit calm please. Maa wouldn't want to see you like this' ' She said, her voice so soft and calm that it  instantly brought a smile to my lips.

I nodded my head and kissed her forehead again and waited until she left and closed the door behind her.

I guess I'm loving kissing her forehead where she flutters her eyes closed and the way she feels safe.

I walked back and sat in my previous position and turned to Abhimanyu who was looking happy. I guess he is happy that I'm treating his sister right.

"Thank you" he whispered and I knew what it was and shook my head.

"How could you tell that  you treated my wife right?" I asked, my voice calmer than before.

"What do you mean Manik? She is our daughter, and we know how to treat her" mom said, looking offended.

"I could tell that by your reaction when she said she takes pills to escape from your torture" I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm.

"We didn't  know that," Mom said, her voice low.

"Probably because either you'd judge her or snatch them from her so that it won't make anyone  think that you pushed your own daughter into it" I said trying to control my anger. Her parents kept mum, maybe I'm right.

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Did you ever confront her and Abhi asking how they are doing? How is their mental health and life going? If they are getting bullied or if they are having any other passion than getting forced into studies and the ambitions you are rubbing off on them?" I asked her parents who hung their heads low.

I felt Abhi going still but I didn't make any move. I wanted him to speak but he didn't. It's a waste talking to them.

I'd do something that would cheer her up. "Cabir, go call Nandini and her friends,"  I told him, who stood up without a word and walked to the stairs.

"And you know what, your daughter wants to  become a writer" I said and their heads snapped towards me and I could feel Abhi's eyes on me but I didn't look at him.

"That's not going to happen. '' Her dad shook his head continuously.

"And why is that?" I asked, not even trying to hide my annoyance.

I understand that they are her parents and would wish only good for her if  the circumstances were different.

But now, when she is an adult and knows what she wants and has been passionate about it but has to drop it because of her parents made me realise how their upbringing was.

To raise perfect children who would hear them and nothing else. They want kids who won't cross the line they drew. But they can't cage her with responsibilities and pressure forever like that. She'd die out of depression.

"Because that will degrade our respect and status in society. Writing is just her excuse to escape studies and business. I don't know where she got this obsession, she is just a blackmark to our family" dad said angrily and I couldn't believe he actually said that.

"When? Well dad, this is called passion not obsession and she loved writing ever since when she was 10. When kids were busy spoiling things, she usd to sit in her room and write poetry. Don't judge her without knowing anything about her. She is my sister and she'll do whatever she wants to. She is major, married, her husband has no problem with whatever she does, and the moment you did the kanyadaan yesterday, I don't think your opinion on what she does anymore matters until she brings up some more shit on this house anymore" Abhimanyu said sarcastically and I never saw this man speaking this much other than in meeting rooms.

The sound of bangles clinking diverted my attention to my back to find Nandini and her friends holding a bag in each of their hands and  having some box.

I looked at her face and I'm sure she heard everything. God why? She looks blank and I don't know what to make it out of her expression.

"See what you did Nandini. Now Abhi is going against us and your husband looks at us like a Villain. I can't believe you are my daughter" MOm said, her voice filled with hate for her.

Nandini walked quietly to me and I grabbed the bag from her hands and stood up grabbing her hand with my empty hand.

"You are responsible for the reactions you are getting because of the way you treated my wife and we are leaving" I said and started walking towards the main door.

Nandini stopped in the middle, making my steps halt.

"You know what mom and dad, I'd have happily married Manik without crying or anything with a real smile if you would have talked to me and made me understand instead of locking me in a dark room or slapping me without letting me speak'' Nandini's voice was loud enough for them to hear and my  heart broke into million pieces at her words and pulled her to walk with me followed by Cabir, Mukti and Navya.

Abhi came behind us to my car and opened the backseat as we kept all the things there and closed the door.

"Sorry Manik, sorry for not taking a stand for her. '' He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back and patted his head lightly.

"I know you might have your reasons Abhi and thank you for choosing me for your little sister. I promise to take care of her like a princess" I said with a smile.

He nodded his head, his eyes slightly watery as he hugged his little sister who burst into tears making my heart break.

"Sorry baby doll, I'm so sorry. I don't know if you are taking pills or I swear I wouldn't have let her blackmail you regarding death" Abhi said, his voice filled with regret.

"But I promise, Manik is the best husband you'll ever get and you'll thank me later for that" he added, making me chuckle.

Nandini didn't stop crying as he rubbed her back and waited patiently.

"Calm down, I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself and I'm going to support you in your every decision" he said and she finally stopped crying after a few minutes.

She broke the hug as he wiped her tears and kissed her forehead as a memory floated in my memory that made my heart constrict and I immediately dismissed it.

"You guys carry on, take her to office and divert her mind Manik" ABhi said wiping his own tears.

"I'll take Navya and Mukti with me, they can have some alone time," Cabir said.

"No, I'll take Mukti with me" Abhi said, without missing a  heartbeat and we snapped our heads to him. Two red dots formed on his cheeks making me laugh.

"She is all yours" Navya siad, pushing Mukti to Abhi who held her immediately and she glared at him.

I laughed. After ten minutes, and we dispersed in our own ways deciding Abhi, Dhruv and Cabir would get Navya, Mukti and Aliya by evening time for tea and coffee at Malhotra mansion. Nandini sat in the passenger seat quietly making me sigh.

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