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My mind wandered around Manik and the fact that he said he has a sister roamed in my head until I reached Malhotra mansion.

I walked inside and hugged Maa quietly after having lunch with Manik.

“Is your stomach hurting?” She asked.

“I took a painkiller and it is working” I replied, even though my stomach hurts like bitch. Honestly, I didn't took the pain killer. I won't risk the chances of pregnancy. I know it's petty but I've been hearing it too long that medicines in the time of periods can affect pregnancy, but I can't help myself.

“Good, go get freshen up, I’l make hot chocolate and then we can leave for shopping” She said, kissing my forehead as she left for the kitchen while I looked around, trying to spot a picture of Manik’s sister. But none were there.

With a defeated sigh, I walked to the room and got freshen up, wearing a simple green maxi with floral pattern and left my hair open before applying light makeup and went down.

Surprisingly, I was twinning with my mother-in-law. Even she got ready, wearing the same outfit as me.

I squealed, hugging her as I found her in the kitchen, startling her.

“Woah” Her eyes roamed around my dress and her lips formed a grin.

“A picture worthy moment” I said, grabbing my mobile.

“Definitely” She replied, pouring the hot chocolate in two cups.

If one thing Nyonika Malhotra loves, its her freedom of wearing what she wants and what she feels comfortable in.

We sat on the porch in the lawn drinking hot chocolate as it was already evening and took pictures with grins, hugging and with the cutest poses you’d find.

“Let’s leave before the men of this house come and shower us with over protectiveness” I giggled at her words.

I sent the pictures to Manik and he immediately texted me telling me he lost his heart over the two women he loves more than his life.

I showed the text to maa as we sat in the car and she muttered something along the word ‘crazy boy’ as the driver drove us to the boutique.

She posted the picture on instagram in her account and she has more than a million followers. She was a model before after all. Beauty with brains always gets rewarded.

She showed and the tag was ‘like daughter like mother’ and that stole my heart. But I still can’t find myself asking what happened to her actual daughter and I shove it inside my heart.

“There are so many texts, asking you to turn your account public” She said as her mobile kept vibrating.

“I don’t know,” I muttered.

“Your husband is a rockstar and you are an author, come on Nandini” Maa chuckled.

Did I tell you that my husband is a heart throb of all the teens and girls? He had to stop with music before our marriage because of his busy schedules, and I was the girl who never heard him sing. He was shocked when he found out.

“We will see after our reception” I replied to her sweetly and she nodded her head and we talked about anything and everything until we reached the boutique where she gets clothes designed for us.

Ofcourse, it’s Nyonika Malhotra we are talking about.

It took three hours and we decided what I wanted for reception. So did she. We decided on our outfits and when I called Manik about it, his reply was “I'll wear whatever you like, choose what you want and the designer already has my measurements.” Idiot.

Reaching home, we were tired as hell and luckily, Malhotra men were already inside. Papa got take away food while Manik groaned that I am having junk food twice. Maa in turn scolded him that it's his mistake to feed me junk then.

We ate dinner after freshening up, not talking much but my stomach was feeling uneasy, not because of food but for the answers Manik was going to give me.

I showed him the pictures I took and he was impressed. Dhruv squealed like a teenage girl telling he lost his heart over his bhabhi and mom while maa sassed that the same line ran in Malhotra blood.

I was feeling a lot better than in the past few days and I could see the happiness in everyone’s face. That warmed my heart.

“We are going to select invitations tomorrow” papa declared as it was saturday. My date with Abhi is on sunday. Day after tomorrow.

I want to have a talk with him too, I’m sure he knows about Manik’s sister. He’ll definitely do a background check if he decides to keep his baby sister in someone’s hands.

I couldn’t help but feel hurt that he even chose to hide it.

“We booked honeymoon tickets for you as a reception gift and you guys will go the next day after reception” Dhruv said, declaring it as a reception gift for us.

I blushed furiously and everyone teased me, until Manik came to rescue.

“Come on, let’s call it a night” Papa said, kissing my forehead as we ended our chess game.

He chose to lose the game seeing my mood swings. Smart man.

I yawned, nodding my head. Everyone left, leaving me and Manik.

“Are you sure you want to know the answers?” He asked quietly and I nodded my head, my sleep suddenly flew away.

“Come with me” He said, extending his hand. I grabbed it in a beat. He kissed my forehead, pulling me close to him like he needed my strength.

“Alexa turn off the lights” I said and Alexa did. Good girl she is.

“I don’t know why no robot is male” Manik muttered, walking along with me to the stairs. I giggled at his words, shaking my head.

“Where are we going?” I asked as we didn’t stop at our room.

“Store room” He replied and something clicked in my head. Maa’s mood turned off when she came back from the store room and Manik’s too.

Do they grow a ghost or dementor in a store room? I suddenly dreaded, not wanting to know the answers.

He opened the door, it wasn’t a store room. I went inside, followed by him.

There were shit ton of pictures and my breath hitched when I saw one.

My brain flashed everything, the weird neon lights blasted in my head again.

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