Chapter 24: Let the games begin!

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The sound of birds chirping could be heard in the distance as the scene rolls down to a forest area near Beacon Academy with some of the bases of the trees having cushion mats strapped to them. Then the sound of something metallic could be heard bouncing off said pats many times before finally the object got stuck in one of the trees after hitting it too hard. The object in question was actually Michael's shield. He then walked to where it was stuck in the tree and with a big tug, he pulled it free from the tree.

"How was that throw?" Michael asked wiping off his shield.

"Really good, aside from it getting stuck in the tree." Penny replied. It turned out that Ruby, Penny, and Michael were just on the outskirts of the emerald forest just nearing the end of the school grounds. The reason they were out there was because Michael was now training with his new shield he had recently acquired. Penny and Ruby were with him to assist him wherever he needed help as this was a new weapon he needed to master. "But you have improved over the past three weeks."

"Yeah, I think this is the week you master the shield throw and catch Michael!" Ruby cheered. But Michael didn't have as much enthusiasm as the younger girl but still formed a smile on his face.

"Well, I've gotten better than the first time I tried to throw it." Michael said. The first time Michael tried to throw his shield he failed to catch it coming back at him and ended up embedding itself into one of the lamp posts near the school. Needless to say, the headmaster wasn't happy about it but forgave him as it was just an accident and promised to not make the mistake again. "But with a week left before the festival, I hope I can hone even more skills with this shield."

"That reminds me, is your team going to fight in the tournament?" Ruby asked.

"Unfortunately, no." Michael answered throwing his shield again having it bounce off a couple trees and then back to him as he caught it with no trouble. "Ozpin thought it would be better for us not to compete and also that might mess up the plan to stop Cinders attack."

"How so?" Penny asked.

"Well, in the show me and my team weren't fighting in the tournament, who's to say we might change a part of Cinders plan we don't know about?" Michael pointed out.

"That is a fair point." Ruby said. "Well, that's unfortunate."

"It's alright Ruby, me and the other Marines will be cheering you from the sidelines." Michael said throwing his shield again having it bounce off a couple trees before he caught it.

"That's right Ruby!" Penny said. "And any form of encouragement is great for victory."

"That is true." Ruby said. "Encouragement is key to victory sometimes."

"Indeed, it is Ruby." Michael added. "I happen to know that it does, even when it doesn't come to fighting."

"Your right on that too Michael." Penny said. "When it comes to any type of competition encouragement from fellow teammates and friends always boost morale."

"Exactly." Michal finished as he threw the shield again having it bounce off of three trees before coming back to him and catching it. "And you guys are going to need it if you want to win the tournament."

"Don't worry about us Michael, you'll see us come through to victory!" Ruby said making Michael smile.

"I Look forward to see it." Michael replied throwing his shield again having it bounce off a few more trees before coming back to him.

Time skip to much later!!!!

Scene change!

The scene then opens up to the cliffside where Ruby was talking to her mom's grave at the top of the hill. Talking about her adventures at beacon and all the friends she has made thus far while attending the academy.

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